Singapore turns 48 years young but the celebrations, well, less than average it has to be said.
So Happy B… Sorry can’t say the full word of Birthday as your fireworks have stopped already.
Almost like turning 48 and having one candle to blow out on your cake.
We stood with about 10,000 other people in Gardens by the Bay on our side of the river and waited with baited breath for the extravaganza. An extravaganza that turned out to be no more impressive than a baby’s first fart.
I’ll show some snaps for you to see. But it was all over in 5 minutes – pop pop bang – finished.
Almost sounds like my bedroom behaviour – mind you 5 minutes is like 3 times, so perhaps the fireworks were therefore impressive. You decide.
Here they are.Happy faces all waiting anxiously – I can even hear Katy Perry warming up her tonsils “Baby you’re a firework…” etc.
Any minute now…
It’s 2200 – must be any minute now.
It’s 2205 – must be any minute now..
It’s 2210 – must be any minute now…
It’s 2215 – must be any minute now….
Oh shit it’s 2216 – and it’s finished!!!
I didn’t even get a chance to get an “Ooooooooooooh” out it was that quick.
Clearly the economic crisis has hit Singapore too as this years fireworks celebrating it’s birthday consisted of one Catherine Wheel and a bloke holding a load of sparklers.
Sparkler No.1
Sparkler No.2
Catherine Wheel
Sparkler No.3
Sparkler No.4
Come on Singapore sort yourself out.
I kept my kids up late to watch this.
I think I spent more on lunch at McD’s than you did this year on your birthday.
Shame Shame.
Happy B…
“Baby you’re a f…”