50th Birthday, Cebu The Philippines; Day #2
OK folks minimalist on the words today. Picture paints a thousand and all that. But here is 50th Birthday, Cebu The Philippines; Day #2. Some call-outs – 3rd wedding anniversary for Mary and I, massage for Mum and Dad, 1st time in the sea, and 1st Rangers posse arrives from UK to join us for the fun times at Movenpick Hotel, Mactan. Cebu. Whoop Whoop!!!

Wake up and we’re on way to breakfast. Movenpick clearly employing some rather interesting staff. Reminds me of an Only Fools and Horses episode – Eppsy remember; “Good evening….”

Cannot get sick of that view every morning – another beautiful day in paradise about to happen!

Let’s plan what we’re doing on these puppies tomorrow when everyone else arrives methinks….

First up though is us all off to the spa – massage time for Mum and Dad, woo hoo!!! Kids were superb, despite Jude being a tad annoying for the last ten when he got bored – bless!!!

Someone is really getting in to the space – “Huuuuuummmmmmmm!!!!”

The he steals my dressing gown, because it is; “Sooooooooooo comfy Dad!!!” Looks like a little Pomeranian dog with a human head bless him!

Mary clearly has never heard of the English-ism of being shat on by a bird being a lucky thing! Amy, Jude and I actually all agreed we were the lucky ones….

I’m only posting food highlights – Movenpick, best pork ribs ever. OMG. This is Chinese style salt and black pepper pork ribs. Stellar!!! Must try if you are here! Amazing!

Mary had an amazing Shrimp Sinigang – and she was an ooooing and an aaaaing. Always a good sign with my Mary ha ha!!!

After a late lunch it’s amazing how time flies and in kicks the free chocolate hour – and out comes Jude’s new BFF, Pickle.

Even playing hide ‘n’ seek together today. Mind you, how Pickle could ever hide that HUGE head who knows… Jude still had great fun though – check that jump for joy!

Hi Ho Hi Ho – off to the beach we go!!!

Another cracking thing from Movenpick is adult and kid entertainment 3x daily. Today at 1600 was mocktail making for the kids. Check the video below. Took Jude a little time to ‘settle’ down, and for me to go get some vodka to add in the final result. But all were happy in the end!!! By the way, Jude’s head is down because he is stirring his mocktail (pretend).

Loving the fact that EVERYONE is so so happy!

Off to Ibiza again to await our impending 1st guest arrivals but also to celebrate year #3 with my gorgeous wifey – I cannot thank Mae enough from Concierge at Movenpick – you are truly a legend to make the engine work and have those flowers sent at the time I needed not when the shop shut. Bless you – check wifey smile. I think VERY happy with my little gift – love you gorgeous girl!!!

Mwah, love-birds…. Get a room. Hold on a minute we have one. Bye kids…

A keeper hun!!

Yummy carbonara for Amy, check the cream sauce in the egg shell for self-serve. GENIUS!!! I love little details like that!!! Deconstructed! just GENIUS!!!

I hear from Jude that these were meatballs to die for! Awesome-ness food!!!

Our first best-buds arrive from UK. These are the Rangers, 1st in from a rainy 2 days in Manila. Have not seen these guys for 2 years, but after about 2 seconds that felt like 2 minutes. Love you guys, thanks so so much for making the effort to come all that way! What a giggle. Not thinking the same this morning after an 0300am finish with PC and Painey!!!

Our Dawny with the gang and the Ibiza Retro Disco crew. Class fun. Just brilliant to watch, what a night! AGAIN!!