Yesterday was an interesting day for me, as it was the first business trip I have had to do away from the kids since Ni left us. Bit of a panicky couple of days, but actually Ollie and Amy were fine. Usual thing though of something happening when I was away the fridge packed up and defrosted a load of food of ours, typical. But pails in to insignificance compared to last time.
I have continued the counselling and saw Dr Perera this week. Talked a lot and went through Nina photos so very emotional, but great to talk about her from the very first time we met – at Barbaras 70’s house leaving do in Westbrook. Trying to find the photos of Brownie and me, as were were blacked up with affros etc. I had to go back the next day to get something and Ni was there still. Yes hello can I help, er it’s me Kenno – she had no idea because of the fancy dress. Bless! My first time with Ni.
2 friends also announced this week that they are to marry soon. Great news for them, delighted in fact. So Goffy and Jeremy will be marrying in 2009 – they even said that perhaps Nina helped with that “push” to do it as you never know what is around the corner. Sp Goffy in UK and Jeremy now lives here in Singapore – but is to marry in Phuket Thailand and then be there Xmas day. I think I will be going to this wedding as even the counsellour said be cautious at main events and try to do something different – so what better than Xmas in Phuket??? So the photo above is the last time we went to Phuket with only Oliver at the time of course as we flew from Australia. Now we’re 50 minutes away in SIngapore.