And now the videos! So here are the videos I promised. I think the girls are showing here a hidden talent. As explained earlier this performance was to circa 100 people all sitting eating their lunch in a food court in Tagbilaran. I think they show a promising future – ha ha! And here is now performing her African beat dancing techniques, he he. Amy Boo look at those little legs go. So this was in Cebu at the Hotel themed night “Hawaiin”, well I think so can’t really tell as you heard from previous blog. Actually this is Hawaiin night as remember I told you re the table we got built front and centre well if you look past Amy you’ll see the stage on the other side of the swimming pool, nice view huh! Like Royalty. And here’s the wee man at Captain Hooks water park, a wonderful place for the kids (an us actually), this is him waiting and receiving the HUGE bucket of water that fills and tips every 30 seconds or so. VERY refreshing on a hot Philippines day. Action kids, on one of the many many slides in Captain Hooks – look at the faces. Ollie sad cos he just found out it was 6pm and they were shutting the park down for the night. Boo!!! It’s MY turn ha ha. Check out how big my splash is compared to Ollie’s tee hee. Great fun at this place, huge water park with slides and stuff which entertained us fro starte to end of day. Just so nice it really was! What a laugh we had, Xmas break objective achieved, Happy Kids – look at him, can’t get better than that smile can you?! This is the plug hole one I mentioned before in the last blog. You go straight down a tube really really fast and then enter this bowl, go round and round about 4 times and then exit down the plug hole backwards in to deep water as you’ll see. I LOVED this one and when on it about 10 times, great fun. But Ollie couldn’t as he was not heavy enough, poor thing, but he was a little scared of this one anyway and he loved the green one you saw before. More to come but I am off to kill myself playing football so will post this so as not to lose it and pot mode fun videos when back. Much love Bri