Ollie has done it at one the the International Film Festivals.
He received the award today (not in person, but via Sangeeta – our lovely friend and also writer/director), for his role in “A Gran Plan”.
The River Rock Award for Best Child Actor in a Feature Film – Oliver Kennett.
I am speechless for him. He really deserves the recognition I think we’d all agree. But to see this is mind-blowing. So many thanks to Sangeeta for reaching out to us immediately from US, that means so so much.
It truly is wonderful. Ollie you are wonderful. You have amazed Dad yet again, I’ll have to start calling you Oscar (he he!!!)
Now this is an amazing thing. My grandfather, Joe, who sadly passed away a number of years ago now, actually used to call Oliver, Oscar. You never know there could be some fate in there somewhere.
And then today, our lovely mate Sangeeta returns from the US of A with award in hand and we end up having a presentation at the school assembly – check these out! A VERY SPECIAL day for all.
Off to find some red carpet right now for Ollie to enter the condo on – WOO HOO!!!!!!!!