Mary’s 40th Birthday Party, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines
Wow as this one wild ride. I started this as a big surprise party, booking flights and accommodation to be there for the birthday on 11/12, but to have the party on the Sunday 10th. I was liaising with family in Bohol to help me with the huge task. I then thought to myself OMG, BeBe absolutely must come home with us and come to Mary’s 40th Birthday Party, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines.
I popped Mary a non-descript SMS asking for BeBe’s details and then crafted an SMS something along the lines of; “BeBe, keep this a secret, I would love you to come to Bohol with us for Mary’s SECRET 40th birthday party. I just need your passport details.” Send. The Mary rings me giggling; “You sent me that message silly!” Damn, the cat out of the bag.
But, to be honest, I am so glad I did as I could never in a million years have organised what our Philippines family and friends organised for Mary’s 40th Birthday Party, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines. We even had our mates, The Rutherfords, come too, double WOW. Of course, there were friends and family overseas that were sorely missed – you know who you are.
Read on. What a fantastic party for my darling wife.
Now this was a vacation, so I am breaking this down by days, and of course, food and restaurant reviews will be on Here we go, we hope you enjoy it, as much as we/she did.

I love it. Mary’s brother designed this banner, and then the local family had it printed. Amazing! “Fierce, Fabulous, and Forty!” (oooh what’s that the father-in-law is unwrapping?)

Mother-in-law corralling the troops, and boy did she do a good job. With 100+ mouths to feed it was a major job, and it went swimmingly well. Great job Bing Bing!

And he is what was being unwrapped, oh yeah baby, a whole roasted pig. Stuffed with amazing herbs and spices and slow roast on the spit. Crackling on steroids. All you get is your hands and a knife, dig in. I am in HEAVEN!!! Seriously though check out all that food, amazing food – again thank you so so much to our Filipino family and friends – WOW!!! I am thinking of setting up PhillaxBBQ big time, what do you think Ruthers?

A lovely family shot of my Mary with Mum, Dad, and Brother. Funnily enough, Yan is now working at the resort Mary and I went to 9 years ago, together with the kids (minus Jude), on Panglao which is 5 minutes from Henann Resort – how about that!

Beautiful, beautiful Alona Beach, with two beautiful girls on it too. My Amy and Soph’s just chilling!

This came in our luggage from Singapore. What is it, I hear you ask? Looks like an old yellow t-shirt covered in candy. Hmmmmm, I wonder…. read and watch on….

Does this give any more clues? Hmmmm, Soph now sporting said old yellow t-shirt covered in candy. And being chased by loads of kids it seems, what the…
OK, here is your answer, it is parlor games. Again great work from the team for this one too. The kids, and adults (as you’ll see) had a scream – LITERALLY. Above is the amazing Soph taking on the responsibility of being the ‘fox’ that all the kids have to chase – great work Sophs. Also, the smaller kids were killing the sack race, despite one small logistics hiccup, in that there should have been two per team. One bottled it, as you’ll see ha ha!!!

Oh no, another man-down. Baby Jude grabbed a candy from the yellow t-shirt and cut his finger on the staple holding it on. Oh no!!! It’s OK Mum’s got you buddy!

Now you’d think with legs as long as his he would have wiped the floor with all competition. Hmmmmm! The manager sacked him from the next race. Sacked him, get it, and it’s not even Saturday! In the yellow and blue are the two guys we took on, are we mad?
We were crap at sack-race. Ruthers and I took on two young lads and got a pasting. I had not even started my leg, and they had finished both theirs. Also, we had a man down, with Steve taking a tumble and bruising his knee. Clearly our friend Pilsen, gave some old-man bravado – ha ha. Still, all in the spirit of a fantastic party for wifey. Such a giggle.

So to my left in the picture are the boys we took on that have already completed both legs, so your truly has to just bounce about a bit to complete our go – dear me, even the kids on the right look embarrassed! Why are the boys on the left laughing so much, I don’t see anything funny, apart from Steve nursing his wounded leg, and some 50 year old trying to complete a 20 yard course? Cough Cough!!!
And now to an amazing piece of footage, where my amazing wife has everyone on baited breath with weepy eyes all round, as she gives an incredible birthday speech. Amazing babes, just amazing. Love you v.much!!! Goodness me.

See what I mean!

And now my Mary is back to normal ha ha! OK Lot x2 is her Filipino nick-name by the way. Lot Lot. Great imagination from family Philippines for that icing and the banner again. Just brilliant!
We then have the dance-off competition. Sadly my camera ran out of memory so I missed a few, but you’ll get the gist. We took our boom box and had all the kids dancing to their chosen songs as a gift to Mary for Mary’s 40th Birthday Party, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines. I have to say to do this in front of the 100 or so at the party was an amazing ask.
What you don’t get to see is the circa 1,000 other beach visitors who are all standing around gawping in awe at the amazing performances. Thank you guys, from the bottom of our hearts, you were amazing. I know Mary/Mum were so impressed and happy. Absolutely amazing!

And now thanks to Soph and Freya some beautiful snaps from their camera of the day. Here is Alona Beach at her best, blue skies and seas, and bugger all people!

The kids now commandeer one of the local dive boats as a playground, hey they’re not hurting anyone or anything! Let the games commence, say I.

Oh hold on a minute I can’t see a Smart Device anywhere, is something wrong with these kids? Ha Ha! So so so good to see. Happy Happy Birthday Party for all! The kids, new and old all played together like long-lost mates – it was wonderful to see.

How beautiful is this place? You cannot help but just get lost in yourself here. What more do you need to look at than this!

She sells sea shells on the something or other… See what I mean, back to basics. Sea, sand, shells – no electronics needed thanks, and ow much more fun did the kids have doing this than the other. Fun in The Philippines thanks to Mary’s 40th Birthday Party, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines.

I love this one of my Amy Boo. Sunning and chilling on the boat, on blue seas, with blue skies, beautiful!

Sitting on a log on the beach under a tree, conversation goes; “Wow, Steve mate that was incredible. What about Mary’s speech?” “Amazing mate, we are so so happy to be here with you, we love Mary!” “We love you too guys too mate! Beer?” “Shit yes!” HAPPY DAYS!