Bali Day #4 – it IS Ruther’s 50th Birthday today
Bali Day #4 – it IS Ruther’s 50th Birthday today we reach day #4. This was such a great day, but sadly with massive downs for yours truly contracting what turned out to be both a chest and stomach infection at the same time. I was wiped out during the afternoon, awake and ok for a couple hours in the evening after tablets and a massage, and dead again for rest of night. Truly sorry Ruther’s to miss it. But I was in bed and listening to a lot of it and it sure sounded like fun.
Friends and family here from all over, at Hillside Villa, Ubud for one big PARTY. Let’s have a look shall we.. Bali Day #4 – it IS Ruther’s 50th Birthday today.
So there you have it folks – my best endeavours literally on deaths door as it happened. I slept all arvo to about 1730, had about 3 hours at the party and died for the rest of the night in bed sweating like a you know what. Literally died and same next day, so do not expect ANY photos fo Bali Day #5 – it’s Ruther’s 50th. So not going to happen. Anyways hoping Ruthers and Stacy like what we managed to eek out from a wonderful day. Again my brother from another, happy happy birthday from Kennett family, those in Bali, and those around the Globe that think you are just an awesome fella. – Mate – ENJOY!!!
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