A crazy Grinch Saturday with added Unicorns and Human Claws, and finished in Thailand
A crazy Grinch Saturday with added Unicorns and Human Claws, and finished in Thailand. What on earth I hear you asking yourself. Has he finally lost it? No, I have not, this was literally the agenda for the day on Saturday. Usual family chaos, with added Philippines this weekend with Mama and Papa over with us too. How did it all go?

Lucky little 5 year old. He asks Daddy for breakfast and he gets super soft boiled eggs with truffle salt, and soya and cracked black pepper dipping sauce. Hmmmm five!!!

Yep we’re all off to watch Grinch the movie – so let’s have some fun over lunch before we get there shall we? Hmmmm there has to be a Grinch App, surely… Ah Ha!!!

Jude Grinch is AWESOME!!!

Amy Grinch a tad scary, wooooooooo!!!

It’s free bouncy castle time – off he goes to burn off that sugar rush from the popcorn. Man does he need to!!!

He really is one cool dude is Jude!!! OMG I am rhyming like Dr Seuss, the film has got to me it seems…

New photo pose? Where this comes from who knows. Mouth wide open, hands in the air, he really is showing a new kind of flair. V-sign showing and bouncing flowing. What’s all this rhyming…. Seuss leave me alone, any more of this and I am going home!!!

Seriously though – why this new pose? We have absolutely no idea. Must be a school thing, funny little bugger. He knows I am taking a picture – he doesn’t look at camera and pulls that face, v-signs everywhere. Very bizarre!!!

Is that the hand of God on the right? “Be still my child, you may bounceth yourself crazy….” Looks . like he’s having a fit already to me, bless him!!! Great action shots though ha ha!!!


Here comes the relevance of Unicorns in the title. This one is a child-eating pink footed unicorn. Very seldom do you see these in Katong. They migrate here once a year in December.

Look at that the size of that thing. Jude quick escape. Luckily it hasn’t got teeth, I think it would burst itself if it did.
CLICK HERE to watch Amy – the HUMAN CLAW
Great work I12. Spend $100 and get your kids a free 20 minutes on bouncy castle, and one free go on human claw. She won a tote bag. I think the ‘game’ is pretty self-explanatory though ha ha. Too funny. All this in a shopping centre in Katong. What fun!!!

And to close the day we have a fantastic dinner at Mookata. Now the Thailand reference in the title, get it? Thai BBQ for dinner – loop closed. Happy families, amazing food, full tummies, brilliant day. Just brilliant!!!

And to close – I forgot to put Bun Mouth in the title. Why oh why? I have no idea. At leat she was quiet for 5 minutes, ha ha!!!

Ahhhhhhhhh. Peace and quiet for 5 minutes. “Waiter, waiter, can I get another 20 of these buns please?!?!”A crazy Grinch Saturday with added Unicorns and Human Claws, and finished in Thailand