Amazing work from #1 Philippines son
Wow! Did JimBoy knock it out of the park at his final year in school or what? He is fixed on going to medical school to become a nurse, which is just the most amazing thing as that opens the world up for him. Jimboy we’re all so very very proud of you buddy. So really well done matey. As usual folks, a picture paints a 1,000 worlds. Well from wifey here is a 1,000 pictures of Amazing work from #1 Philippines son.
Sadly due to a complete cock-up in timing changes, I missed the event. I was safely back to work in Singapore, and Amy was back to school. So it was wifey and Jude that went to represent Singapore, plus a million other Burlas’. Wifey said it was really busy, yes darling filled up with our family. Here comes Jimboy; Amazing work from #1 Philippines son.
So there you have it folks, Amazing work from #1 Philippines son. Again JimBoy, we are all so proud of you mate. Just incredible results. Next stop Uni to get that Medical qualification and then literally the world is your oyster. Good luck with that buddy. Sorry again to miss it, work, work and mum getting dates wrongs (yep I blame her haha). But the event looked amazing, and family was there with you to celebrate in a big way. Now with us for a month in Singapore, so – ENJOY!!!
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