Amy and Tiana go for Asia’s Got Talent Auditions
So today me and my mate Spencer, and his lovely wife Emily, took our girls to AXN’s Asia’s Got Talent and so kicked in Amy and Tiana go for Asia’s Got Talent Auditions. A very long day, also a very cold day. We were at Goodman Art Centre, in Black Box Theatre. Funnily enough this is a place where Ollie acted in a play, that he had actually written. 10 aircon units, no timings for the auditions, no ability to run out for refreshments just in case you didn’t lose your slot etc. But overall we did have fun.
We got to meet in person Asia’s version of Ant and Dec, AKA Justin and Alan. We also got to see Justin messing around as J-Rex. Were were interviewed and video continually so might get in the show/TV yet – who knows. This was Amy and Tiana go for Asia’s Got Talent Auditions – cracking day with our mates. It was actually very good fun. All parents so so proud of our girls. They really did do so so well. Lot’s of lessons learnt too for next year, if perhaps not selected for this year. Great work girls – so very proud!
I managed to pull together a video montage of some fun elements of the day. Also some snaps. Hoping I get some more photos of Tiana from Spencer to pop in the blog too. Here we go.
Amy and Tiana go for Asia’s Got Talent Auditions – CLICK HERE TO RUN VT

Here we are – arrived at circa 10am, open doors at midday – and we got home 1730. Yep a long long day!

It’s so so busy. This is like holding area one, then you go to holding area two and then in to the audition area. AXN kept entertainment going though. Kallang Waves, silly video shoots, interviews, practicing and singing. Great fun.

All numbered up now following registration – pressure is surely a mounting!

Here’s the interview board – very similar to Barclays Premiership where they do the manager chit chats.

Here is Asia’s version of Ant and Dec (maybe just Dec these days). This is Alan and Justin, really good lads actually!

As you can see… They took time out to pretty much interact with everyone. Really really nice guys.

And here’s Justin, also know as J-Rex as you’ll see in the video montage.

Fully autographed up from the boys, and even Uncle Spencer Bomber – cracking photo!!!

And now… the end is near… as she faces the final curtain… Yes this is it. After all that waiting here is the entrance to the judges enclosure. Good luck Tiana. Crickey this is nail biting stuff!!!

And an hour or so later, it’s #1 daughter time. Go get ’em Amy. Good luck gorgeous!!!