No reason for this other than we had another lovely weekend this weekend with friends and family, so thought we would share this with you all.
Amy clearly then decided she wants to be a pirate or a gypsy – love the head garb Amy (very cute by way) and I love this picture of brother and sister hanging over the sofa together. A beautiful picture kids.
OK now to some of Number 1 Son – above is Ollie as he sat in the condo, I think on a Saturday night and asked for a cheese platter. SO yours truly knocked up this little sample platter.
Salamis, hams, pickles, chutneys, goats cheese, cheddars, wasabi, pepper cheeses galore. All washed down by a – what the hell – is he drinking red wine. Where did he get that.
He He – we got you, it’s Ribena served in a wine glass, yes doesn’t he just look the aficionado on cheese and wine. Ha ha. Like a veteran. Still to be honest I LOVE the fact that he asks for this type of food, he certainly is not a kid that turns his nose up at “eueueueueughhghghgh Daddy not eating green stuff!” He loves his food of all types.
Then the next day he’s asking for my “blink and you’ll miss it” noodles dish. This one is featured in my forthcoming cook book. Yes if you were not aware it looks like I will indeed be in print soon. I have written a cook book using my food blog and then have had my great mate Ged come round for the past month or so photographing finished dishes. All up we did 42 if I remember rightly. This just one.
So as you see the soup for the noodles is actually in a teapot, very tasty this one. Tea and chicken stocks is the soup, some noodles and tomatoes and celery and that’s that. Here again is number 1 son enjoying this one.
Then yesterday after a lazy morning it was off to a birthday party for one of Amy’s school friends, Isadora. A lovely time at their condo. Swings/pools/noodles/snake cakes/singing/Ollie popular as ever with his iPod Touch/few wines and beers for the adults then across the road for dinner at Parkway Parade and a new Vietnamese beef noodle soup joint in the hawker there – oh yeah baby what an end to the weekend.