Arthur, Ruedi and Lizzie’s birthday
Another year absolutely flies by, and we’re invited again to Arthur, Ruedi and Lizzie’s birthday. Well officially Baby Jude was of course. Off we go to Clementi on the other side of the planet, well Singapore. Passports in hand this year, and tissues in pockets for those nosebleeds. Hey it’s a long long way from East Coast. A lovely afternoon with Lee and Lizzie’s family and friends. As usual Jude gets to have fun in a house and garden, full of fun stuff to do. And Mum and Dad have some beers and bubbles. Nice!!! Thanks to Lee and Lizzie for the invite – family Kennett had a lovely time thanks!!!

As I mentioned – the wee man could not be kept off bouncy castle and trampoline. He surely went to bed quickly tonight!!! Action shots to follow…

He was trying to hide from me so I could not take a photo, so a quick shift to sports mode on the camera and hey presto I got you my little monkey. Love these shots. Action man. And a very happy action man too…

And I got you gain you little bugger!

There’s no stopping me ha ha – smiley face always a brilliant one to capture.

What a cool sequence. Love it. I feel a canvas coming on!!!

Birthday boys in blue on bouncy castle with Jude. Chucked under the car pool as it was apparently lashing down before we arrived. We clearly brought the East Coast weather with us. When will these West-siders learn huh – ha ha!!!

Watch out for Ruedi, Bay Jude…

Now I had the p*ss taken out of me by a few – but I thought the magician was bloody good. He kept this rabble supervised and entertained for a good hour plus. Good work mate. AND he had all the adults laughing too. Cheesy the possum was just brilliant. Dad jokes galore! Just brilliant!!!The kids loved it. Clearly Jude did massively!

I’ll say it again – great work from this chap to have all these 3-6 years old glued to every word.

See what I mean – just have a look at those faces… It’s a skill. Should offer him a sales job at Telstra.

A momentary lapse in concentration from Arthur. He’s behind you mate.

My highlight of his show. Cheesy. Had me in stitches and all the kids too. Must invite him to the Dad’s Joke Asia Facebook Group!!!

Cake time now and Lizzie pulls out all the stops again with a rabbit and helicopter. Remember the dinosaur last year???


Ruedi is well in to centre of the limelight, but Arthur had a wee meltdown. He came back for a second blow-out session as long as no one sung or cheered. Bless him!

Yes Amy was there too. Minding her own business, trying not to draw attention to herself like…

And today was also Lizzie’s actual birthday. So cake time for her too. She manned up and faced the crowds and blew those candles out without a problem ha ha… Happy Birthday Lizzie.
So to our mates The Anstiss’, thanks ever so much. We had a blast as always. It was a wonderful Arthur, Ruedi and Lizzie’s birthday. Kids had a blast thank you. A wonderful afternoon. Happy birthday to all three, and have a wonderful time in Australia soon. Jude cannot thank you enough. He really did hav a blast. I now have to buy a possum puppet and learn to do ventriloquism. We had a blast, and I am sure if you were that you did too – ENJOY!!!
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