Baby Jude’s 3rd Birthday
You know I reckon I am going to have to stop calling him Baby Jude soon. Wow THREE today. I can’t believe it is Baby Jude’s 3rd Birthday. He has been very lucky with presents from Singapore, UK, Japan and Philippines – how international is this kid. Thanks to all the family for the gifts and the lovely messages – you’ll see him in a minute. Thanks to his mates at school for a lovely party (sorry to have missed that Baby Jude), and thanks to my Mary for making it all happen – he he.
What shall we do today for Baby Jude’s 3rd Birthday? More on that is a blog coming to you soon.

Here he is – it’s school party time. Happy Birthday Baby Jude.

Wow that’s a lot of friends you have Babu Jude. Watch out Facebook!!!

Mum and Sis watching Jude BLOW….. I think I felt that in the Philippines Jude, WOW!!!

Now that is a YUMMY looking cake Baby Jude

Just so so so many friends, you lucky little three year old!!!

Happy Birthday Jude – give me smiley face. Well that works.

And now I want, really excited face please Jude. Wow, that works too…
So this is No.1 blog for Baby Jude’s 3rd Birthday. We’re off to Wild Wild Wet for some fun on this special day. More to come from that adventure later – ENJOY!!!