Bali Day #1 – It’s Ruther’s 50th
Goodness me, this is our first time in Bali in 6 years. Yes SIX years. I can’t believe it. It was with our best buds from Melbourne, and year before that for Barrie and BingBing’s wedding. That means that Amy was 4, Ollie was 11 and Jude did not even exist. So let’s rectify that. Let’s have Bali Day #1 – It’s Ruther’s 50th. Couple of other call outs though. I cocked up our flights with points and cash bookings, so we Ollie, BeBe and I went this morning and Mary, Jude and Amy came at 1630 on same day. Yes I am a dick!!!
C’est la vie. It was still a rather interesting day for all concerned – I believe. We ha to get up at silly o’clock, Mary and Kids did not. Now that kind of makes sense actually. Ruthers and GANG is on his way in a few days, yep we decided to Christmas here too, not just the birthday. So actually this is our Bali Day #1 – It’s Ruther’s 50th, and ours only. Keep watching – another 10 blogs to come!!!
But the fun starts before we leave of course. Amazing gifts come in from overseas for Christmas and the wee ones and the not so wee one now have disposable income too for Bali. Oh no. These kids are now my very own Crazy Rich Asians.

Thanks Mum, Miz, Sis, DK and all the donating family members. Thanks so much. These buggers are now very happy for Christmas. They are truly my Crazy Rich Asians – just look at that glint in their eye – they are already doing from SGD to Indonesia Rupiah to see the spot and work out their holiday budgets. They’re not smiling – they are calculating ha ha!!! Seriously though thank you for the wonderful cards and gifts – they are happy campers to say the least!!!

OK as we are packing I think one certain person kind of took it all to a new level. Why he chose Mum’s gear and not mine I truly have no idea – but I will be having firm words with Mary about this of course ha ha!!! Jude seriously you MUPPET!!! Dear me!!!

It’s like the race to the Antarctic. Who will make it first. Well clearly Ollie, BeBe and I as we had an hour start on the flights – so yeah winner winner chicken dinner. Which actually turned in to – let’s throw the bags in the room after a swift check-in and go for a walk to find nearest decent eating hole. And we found one folks – apparently residing in Bali for 20 years now is Pantarei Greek Restaurant – what an absolute cracker. So much so I will be doing an IsLifeaRecipe on it. Just quality!!!
Indonesia is Muslim, as you are probably aware, but Bali is like 85% Hindu. So PORK is on the agenda in a BIG WAY. Babi Guling rules here. It is a hotch potch of foods from all over the planet, and it is DAMNED GOOD across the board. Check for individual restaurant blogs. They all deserve a separate blog, as the food was top notch.

In parallel to that – guess who is at the airport waiting to come and join us??? Oh no trouble (s) is on the way. But I have massively missed these buggers today so far – my travel companions always have not been here – it is not the same travel experience. Hurry up you buggers!!!

OK OK calm down Dad, food has started to arrive. OMG check this out. Serious how good does this look, and this is just a snap from the bloody iPhone. This is one Greek ‘tapas’ spread I am surely awaiting tastebud explosion from. Looking so damned good so far. Great work guys….

Meanwhile on a delayed flight from Singapore. You seriously can’t make this sh@t up. We’re eating and they’re sitting. We’re waiting. They are waiting. Miles apart and we really don’t like that! Hurry the f@ck up SQ. Actually as I type this you actually got worse and worse and worse!!! Thanks SQ for delaying BOTH flights – great work!!! Happy Christmas!!!

Mum and Daughter are together but feel so far apart they have to buy mood rings. I am in a bloody big mood with SingaporeAir – does that mean they buy me a free ring too? I very much doubt it!!!

It’s a lazy arvo in a slightly drizzling Bali. We have checked in and checked out the Villa – yep amazeballs. Back soon. But we need to eat and consume some time until the second party manages their adventures and joins us. OK that lasted a bit and then we had to split – me to airport and Ollie and BeBe back to villa. It’s gonna be a LONG day. And yes – it is MY FAULT!!! That one bad flight booking day!

I have to say I did really like this restaurant choice. Greek tapas stylee for the afternoon – bloody brilliant. I will do a foodie blog for it. Again it more than deserves it as it was quality. More to come, but suffice to say – a wonderful first chow down in Bali.

Then for me it was off the airport for a second time to go collect Mary, Amy and Jude. Here I sat with about a million taxi drivers and hotel drivers. Delayed flight, massive queue at immigration etc etc. It was indeed a long wait. I got to meet lots and lots of drivers…

Food was needed for the late travelers – so a recommendation from the guys at the villa and I ran up the road to this local joint. 8 Chefs, all women except one guy. Lovely food, stupid cheap, and lovely staff. I’ll blog them later on IsLifeaRecipe.

Are they happy to be reunited? I’ll let you guess the answer to that one!!!

Here we are in our living and dining area in our private Seminyak, Bali villa. Not bad right? We’re liking it 5 bedder, games room, pool and garden, just off the main Seminyak drag.

Yep that surely works! Privacy rules!!!

Games room upstairs – a rather nice little touch.

And of course stunning rooms. 4 on suite and 1 with shared bathroom. Jude demanded we had the room by the pool, so we had the blue one. Lovely rooms, lovely staff looking after us – even giving us a mobile phone pre-programmed with emergency number for them 24×7, taxi number and food delivery service. Seriously how cool is that bless them. This will get . good rating from me for sure.

Breakfast here tomorrow – very nice!

All together finally for night number one in Bali. Phewy!
So a rather disjointed first day to say the least. But we all got together in the end for Bali Day #1 – It’s Ruther’s 50th. It turned in to a cracking day. Retail and Food Therapy – oh yes. Definitely have a look at our villa choice – really nice, comes with brekkie and then it is all yours – Rajapala, Seminyak on AirBnB. We missed you Bali. We surely will not be leaving it so long next time. Maybe even in 2019 my love – if you have not been, get yourself on a plane because you will – ENJOY!!!
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