Bali Day #7 – it’s Ruther’s 50th
And here we go, nearing the end now sadly. It’s Bali Day #7 – it’s Ruther’s 50th. Today was a day trip to Ubud ‘city’ centre. Markets, meandering, munching, martinis, and monkeys.
The usual lovely drive in through green fields, always so very busy. Hustle and bustle is constant here. Mopeds taking their life in their hands at every corner or overtaking opportunity – which basically means anywhere on the road. More festival goers everywhere. This seems to go on for weeks and weeks. It’s perfect though as there is just so much to continually see from the windows as we whizz past to our lunch destination – Naught Nuri’s. We have been told it is a must try.
We drove past a builders merchants today that specialised in hardcore. Amazing was that he clearly liked The Flintstones. Yep the company name was Bali Rubble (I thank you!!!).

We got dropped off first as the 2nd car was a little delayed. Off we trot to see a temple quickly whilst we await the others arrival – this is directly opposite the indoor market in the centre. Lovely little place, I assume all jazzed up because of festival time. Also I assume this was the same reason that a lot of it was closed off because of private ceremonies happening…

Love this one – inside the temple courtyard – stunning stuff everywhere, just everywhere. Religion yes, but celebrations of colour too. It’s vibrant. It’s stunning. I like A LOT!!!
Daddy-Pedia time – so, it turns out the black and white checked sarongs symbolise the good (white) and the bad (black) spirits that are believed to be working as one in every individual Balinese. Balinese culture is extremely harmonic and spiritual. Its people are of the belief that everything that’s loved, like the statues of their gods must be cared for daily. This is why they continually add little trays with offerings of rice and water and other morsels. Sarongs, similar to the food offerings, are another a symbol of care, a way to show to the gods that they are being looked after by the people. Seriously how good is that. It’s so respectful.

How amazingly beautiful is this – and it is just a bloody door. Everywhere you turn here your eye gates caught by something. As Flash said, you go to other countries and see WOW massive temple/church/monument – in Bali it is like temple or shrine every second step. Senses overload in a VERY good way!!!

One did get a tad arts and crafts here with me filters like – but I took it with bright bright sunshine hitting the top of the temple – B&W it is, and whack up the intensity. Me like!!!

Naughty Nuri’s for lunch – high on the recommendation list it seems for her ribs and martinis. Even Mr Bourdain has stated that the martinis are the best in his travels. Must have a crack at this, but…
We arrived at 1315 ish and – all pork ribs gone, no beef, no steaks, no pork chops, no Mexican food and no gin martinis. Apart from that they had everything. But with the promise of more ribs in an hour (which became 20 minutes), we stayed on ordering from a rather sparse menu. Also strange is that the original Naughty Nuri’s was packed, so we ended up having a wee Brexit lunch with half at one joint and half at her second gaff down the street. Don’t forget Is Life a Recipe for the full food blog, but here is our wee experience of lunch today for Bali Day #7 – it’s Ruther’s 50th.

Party #2 down the road, batting through non-existent menu options – almost like ‘deal or no deal’. In our case (scuse the pun) we hit 90% empty, but we got there in the end – read on.

Plus Amy…

So confident on the product it is cooked out the front street side. Good work, get that smokey flavour a wafting and create your footfall. As long as you can back it up with – you actually have food available of course.

OK go on then let’s be having a couple of them infamous martinis. Yeah yeah I know you’re smiling, what you hiding you naughty thing you…

Looks harmless enough… Perhaps we’ll have a couple of them lads, what you think??? What could possibly go wrong???

Naughty naughty Nuri!!!

Here is what I originally thought was the brown gravy – yeah let’s take a big scoop of that with a tortilla chip. Holy f*ck me!!! That caught us all by surprise, this is the super hot chili sauce. OMG. Handle with caution. Delicious once you knew what it was. Pants in the fridge for later is next course of action!!!

Ah here is the brown gravy – and fark me this was good. If I had me swimmers on I’d have dived in to this, done a few laps and then licked myself dry. Yeah this is GOOD shit!!!

I love messy tables like this – shows to me that we are all enjoying ourselves, Banter happening. Few beverage flowing. Just brilliant fun.

Regroup, regroup. Great to see Johnny Depp is back with us, minus hat though for now…

No frills – just honest homely food. Works for me!

Old meets new sadly. Flash and I complained re this. AMAZING temple set down in this river valley, but could you find one spot to get a clear snap without power cables in the way – nope. Very sad. And we can’t visit this one either. Painful. Such an amazing thing.

One car home and one car stays. We go off to Sacred Monkey Sanctuary Forest. We were here about 8 years ago, and boy has this changed. Loving this. About 800+ Macaque Monkeys a swinging around.

Smiling assassin’s – signs everywhere – no eye contact, if they smile with teeth that is threatening so move on nor prepare for attack/bitey time.

Look in to my eyes, look in to my eyes, not around the eyes, but in the eyes..

You ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, are now in my power monkey. You ooh ooh ooh ooh will do as I wish. OK here is the banana you ordered… Damn you monkey, you win!!!

Imagine this happening in the MRT in the morning. “Hi do I know you?” SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFF “Gloria Hi, it’s been ages, how is Frank?”

Suckers for sweet potatoes it seems. Pecking order is clearly in place. Quite incredible to watch it all happening right in front of your face.

“In all the bars in all the world, you had to walk in to mine…”

I really don’t know why, but she looks like a nude, hairy Dot Cotton to me… Wow another BinTang please.

I love this one – It’s like monkey baby is copying BeBe. “Er Mum, can I get a handphone like this lady? I want to be like her!”

Like looking in a mirror. Dad at home in his chair. The King is in court; “Er Amy switch over to The Premiership please and get Daddy a cold beer, thanks!”

I really do love Bali. Just everywhere you turn is…..

No chance for me tonight then…

“Sighhhhh. If only I had learnt my lines better for Jungle Book, where would I be now…?”

“Mum, perleeeeeeeeease can I get one of them travel cushion things. My neck is killing me!!!!”

Guide speaking – “And if you look to the right you’ll see the Mercaque monkey in its natural habitat, with families interacting around the matriarch female…” “Hey Mum look it’s Aunty Janet!” “Oh yeah, she’s eaten all the pies!”

Nervous smile from BeBe. Ever feel like you’re being watched?

And finally – the very worse restaurant food experience. Cafe Lotus. Shocking. But still a pretty girl in front of a very pretty temple and lake view. Do not eat here. It’s a shocker – have a read of my review on TripAdvisor. Dear me!!! So bad it worked out to be quite funny. We kept ordering more to try to get to one ‘good’ dish.