Christmas 2019 with the Kennett’s
Here go folks. An 0800am start for the kidlets, even Jude woke himself up. Alexa is piping out some cool Christmas Jazz tunes. This is the start today for Christmas 2019 with the Kennett’s. We have decided to do brunch, so off we go to Shangri-La on Sentosa for that and then maybe some beach drinks with our mates the Ruthers, before an early arvo and dinner and a family film. Maybe Home Alone then Die Hard for the adults. Yeah, baby. Well, that’s the plan as I sit here about to depart to Sentosa. Let’s see later, shall we?
So 1st up here is a video clip of the present opening – one for our family in the UK and Japan to see the excited faces. Thank you all.
And now here comes the rest of the day. Come join us @ Christmas 2019 with the Kennett’s.

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…” No, it’s not, where’s the drizzle, slush, black skies, wind? Hello to Tropical Christmas, Singapore-stylee. Happy family about to descend to the beach-front for our Winter Wonderland Christmas Brunch @ Shangri-La on Sentosa.

Tough job, but someone’s got to do it. Might as well be us hey? HaHa. It’s been a long, long time since we came to Shangri-La. They have even built a cable-car station now on Silosa that we have never seen before – I think so you can get to all the zip-wire and Bungie fun.

All decked out in our Christmas attire, which includes Strawberry Blonde wearing a skirt. Her new BFF’s. Also, family UK note the present from you on her back. The Harry Potter rucksack which she even sleeps in.

Tough old life in the Tropics. This is midday on Christmas Day. Not a turkey or Christmas pie in site.

We booked late and really were struggling to get a brunch booking. Wifey then stumbled on Shangri-La on Sentosa. It was nearly all booked but we just squeezed in with a “Sorry we only have outside seating available…” How amazing was this? How lucky are we? We could literally be anywhere in the world on an island for our brunch today. This really was one of the best we have ever done. You’ll see soon that the food was awesome, the drinks were frequent, we had bouncy castles, magicians, face painting, and a rather strange version of Father Christmas. AWESOME work Shangri-L we had a BLAST thanks!
CLICK HERE – you have to have a look at #1 and I have a video review of the food on offer

Getting a little early sugar-intake is this one. Well, they did just blow up the bouncy castle. “I need my energy Dad…” said Jude.

Having an amazing brunch with my gorgeous wifey and our constant photo-bomber.

Now minus photo-bomber (for once) and a little more light on the photo too. Noice!!!

I went hard on the cheese again. I tell you what, there were some really punchy ones in here. OMG! Oh yeah, and a rather tasty Gazpacho to accompany the cheese (I think ChillaxBBQ’s is better though haha).

OK looks like Strawberry Blonde is about to attack a nice bowl of soup the Japanese way, by picking it up and slurping.

Nearly there…

Success. SLURP!!!

It’s just that it is a bowl of molten white chocolate, with a strawberry in it. The joys of being a kid with a chocolate fountain at brunch. Weeeee.

Jude has max fun now with the bouncy castle being blown up, and it is a cracker. We lost him for like an hour on this, with him only wanting parenting when “Dad can you bring my Coke…?” was shouted at the top of his lungs.

Yes, he made a new friend or two as well. Where does he get it from? I blame his Mum!!!

Happy Christmas Days. OK, it did rain a little bit but that was groovy as it really cooled the air and humidity down. A gorgeous day at the seaside. Fed, watered and entertained. Could you ask for more? Not really!

Seriously loved this brunch st in the open-air. We had fans blowing, a sea-breeze, but despite that #1 was still complaining and sweating like a pig haha. It was simply gorgeous. What a way to spend Christmas 2019. So different, so special. Where for 2020 – we already know, watch this space!!!

And then they make an auditorium for the magic show. Genius!!! My two 100% transfixed. OK, OK not a brilliant magician, with lots of old tricks seen before and he didn’t really win the kids over to any degree. BUT, it was entertaining nonetheless.

Not a bad little stage. Again, well done Shangri-La, just genius!!!

Sort of riveted. HaHa.

But then. “Can I have a volunteer please…?” said the Magician. And bugger me, look who gets pulled up from the crowd… Watch the video for a funny bit from Jude.
CLICK HERE to watch Jude The Magician’s Accomplice in action

Now you all know me – I have mates of every colour and race, but I had to post this. This is almost like the James Bond debate of new character placing. An Indian Father Christmas. It cracked me up. Father Christmas has been BPO’d haha. Did make me giggle. And watched on by some random marshmallow head thing. Surreal!!!

Clearly a few beers in and now really getting into the spirit of Christmas. Loving my new Thomas Sabo necklace pressie from family Kennett too. AWESOME!!!

I feel like he does after all the food and beverage I just quaffed. I really could do with a lay down in the sun. Nice!

A walk to the beach now past these amazing trees, so it is arts and crafts time for me to use a filter and show of their beauty in B&W.

And then the UK awakes and we start to get inundated with pictures of jumpers and radiators. Here is brother, sister and Baby Ayden. Loving those jumpers.

Yes, I did ask how cold it was for Xmas 2019. OUCH!!!

Mind you it did get punchy cold here too at 27… It was a good job it got cold here as BeBe had nicked about 4Kg of crab, lobster and other seafood from the buffet haha!!!

I even had to wear long trousers with my flip-flops. Definitely a chill in the air.

Then my BFF Andy wakes up showing off his UK Christmas Hawaiin shirt for his dinner party.

Touche – just Tropical stylee, oh yeah and standing on the beach.

Brunch was over so a little beach walk to shake off the food and then a nice sit and watch people doing a Xmas Bungie or ten. Yep, we had a rather large rami storm or two, but the rain did not stop play.

It’s freezing at 27 degrees. Luckily Amy was able to use one of her Xmas presents from family UK to keep warm. Harry Potter and HufflePuff to the rescue.

Wifey contemplating why she had ten glasses of champagne over brunch, but looking beautiful whilst doing it. Happy Christmas my love.

Happy Hubby and Wifey. Happy Christmas!!!

Time for a silly face or two. Good 1st start from Jude.

Winner from Amy.

“Live Long & Prosper to all my friends and family!” said Wifey.

And we say goodnight from Silosa Beach, Sentosa, Singapore. Nite nite.
That was it family and friends – Christmas 2019 with the Kennett’s. We had a blast and hope that you all did too. We can’t thank you all enough for the wonderful generosity for the kid’s presents. They are so happy with them all as you will see from the photos. As they cannot part from them, as evident from Amy wearing a scarf on a beach. Well, she did have a skirt on. Hoping you all had an incredible day too. Much love to all from us here. The blog is a fun story of our day, we hope you all – ENJOY!!!
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