Christmas Wonderland Gardens By The Bay
OK, we popped along tonight to see the Christmas spectacular that is Christmas Wonderland Gardens By The Bay. Now a few words of warning. Do NOT drive as you can’t park. Get to Satay By The Bay early if you plan to eat there first as seats are a premium, and I mean premium. I got up to get a drink and people were literally trying to take my seat whilst the family was still sitting at the table. Prepare for a STUPID amount of traffic in and out of the place, like STUPID. Make sure you get a ticket before you go. Showtimes for the light show are 1945 and 2045.
We didn’t have tickets so did not see the official light show, but did see the stuff around the outside which was pretty cool. Worth the pain of the traffic, queues and heaps of people, not for me. But here’s hoping Mary and the kids go back with tickets on a weekday so not so busy before 25th.
My advice options;
- Buy your tickets online first;
- Do NOT drive – take MRT.
- If you book a Grab/taxi when going home, walk down to the main entrance, cross the road, turn right and walk about 100 yards down to the bus-stop B04 and tell the driver to U-Turn at the main entrance. I just saved you an hour.
- Get to Satay By The Bay about 1730 and get your seats and table locked down.
Oh yeah, and have fun, everyone! Here is Christmas Wonderland Gardens By The Bay.
Bah Humbug!!!

It was MANIC in here. WOW. People watching at its best. Just keep your hands on your chair so no one steals it.

Even the water buffalo statues are off…

So basically what they do, which is clever, is put loads of Christmas lights up that you never could at home. So let’s go queue with a million people to see what you can’t have yourself. I wonder if these are sustainable energy-efficient lights?

OK now, this is cool and moody. At night with my special camera setting on the staties in Gardens By The Bay with the lights and trees as a back-drop do indeed look rather amaze-balls.

Did I mention they have shit loads of Christmas lights here? Hold on I think I see an A380 with its landing gear down heading straight for me.

My one chance to get a photo of the girls without a million tourists, all of whom want to step on your feet, crash into you with buggies, walk into you because on they were on their phones or just walk in front of an obvious photo moment. Happy Xmas!!!

Now that is some pretty, but many more, Christmas lights.

Did I mention they have Christmas lights here?

And here is the entrance to Christmas Wonderland Gardens By The Bay. WOW, nice entrance, see you next year.