Day #1 Philippines March 2020
Mixed happiness on this trip, and Day #1 Philippines March 2020. Mum was supposed to be with us and was coming to see the house for the first time and to meet Mary’s Mum and Jimboy & Jhea. In fact to visit the Philippines for the very 1st time too. But with a chest infection, she had to cancel her flight from the UK. We decided then to bring our flights forward to get another couple of day in Bohol as now we’d have no jet-lagged Mummy to worry about. Thank goodness we did that as yesterday Bohol’s Mayor announces a closedown of the island on 16th for any coming tourists in from an ‘infected’ country (yes Singapore).
They are closing down the island for 4 days it seems, but the kid’s schools are closed for a month or so. So we are still going to Bohol day #2, we will get to see more of the family all together. Every cloud has a silver lining right. Can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be quarantined haha. So far, so good and a very successful; Day #1 Philippines March 2020.

Bless Amy, she made a passport for Dave. Jude loves it, as you can tell. So funny too as we literally handed this in with all our other passports at every single immigration check-point in Singapore and the Philippines and every single Officer played along for us, checking the photo page and the like – just brilliant!!!

I love it haha!!! Dave Kennett, secret agent, code-named Bluey, at your service. 009, license to fly.

Our first time to check-in and then go to Jewel. Afternoon flight so lunch was needed, and the kids win and finally get my to agree to go to Shake Schack. Quality burger it has to be said, but at $95 is it really fast food or a normal restaurant? No seats for about 20 minutes so it is sort of fast food with no service – just bloody expensive fast food.

I told him he must not smile or blink being a Guardsman, and he did a very good job. What a handsome soldier he would make.

This thing at the airport is genius. It’s called the Social Tree. You rock up to one of the booths and take a selfie with a background of your choice and then hey presto you are up on the big screen. You might need to zoom in a little to see Jude Jude on the big screen. A nice little distraction to while the time away…

Hold on a minute. Who’s that up on the big screen now? It’s the Lion King. How on earth did that happen…?? CoughCough… I did it when no one was looking.

Arriving at 1830 this day so not the usual topaz seas on our arrival, but a lit-up airport instead and some twinkly lights of the resorts and houses. See you tomorrow beautiful, cannot wait.