Day #10 on Panglao, Brekkie, Lunch and Home-Working
Day #10 on Panglao, Brekkie, Lunch and Home-Working was like a normal working day back in Singapore funnily enough, although I had had time to prepare brekkie and lunch for the kids, and we popped out again to AA BBQ for dinner. No need for loads of additional photos than just the ‘new stuff’ today. Curfew is hitting hard here now, schools & Unis shut, social distancing enforced, cinemas shut, restaurants with large open-spaces for gatherings shut, no kids in shopping centres to stop social gatherings etc. so lots of places are just closed hence our food choices massively reducing and hence yours truly cooking twice today. Here we go.

Brekkie today was Shallow-Fried Spam in Crunchy Bread-Crumbs ‘w’ steamed rice. Kids loved it. Peace and quiet for a few minutes today haha.

The remote-learning started for Amy. Her school is being ACE, truly amazing – well done Opera Estate and Mrs Poh. Here she is doing her allocated home-work. They are even going to be doing WhatsApp video calling for 121 teacher time. Amazing!

And here is my work-station. So glad I had foresight to bring work lap-top. 1SF and LinkedIN firing on all cylinders as I catch up on the previous week’s outstanding to do’s and begin the usual night-shifty calls with Europe. All up to date by about midday and executing against actions for the afternoon. Proves you really can work from anywhere with fairly decent Wifi and tech-enablement to allow it in the first place.

In fact, all three kids were busy busy busy today!!!

Basic steamed rice with some lovely fresh green tomatoes for colour.

Double-coating these bad-boys for a super-crunch when fried. The potato-starch will crunch and season the skin. The bread-crumbs is just a double-whammy crunch. Hell yeah!!!

Come on you beauties!!! Boil, boil, bubble, and trouble, PLEASE let us see if DaddyBee beats Jollibee…

Eat your heart out Jollibee, you big fat red bee thing with boggly eyes!!! This is fried chicken JOY mate hahaha!!! DaddyBee Fried Chicken Joy… Has a certain ring to it does it not…? Poached in coconut milk 1st. The like this; Egg-wash, seasoned potato-starch (salt, pepper, paprika), dust off, egg-wash, Panko bread-crumbs, fry until golden and crispy. Simple, look AMAZING and taste superb too. Super-crunchy and super-moist. VERY happy with the outcomes and the Jollibee challenge!!!

Be afraid Jollibee, be afraid. Next up will be DaddyBee Chicken Gravy. Yeah, that’s it go on cry… I’m coming for you!!!

Even Dave the Parrot is taking this seriously now. AA BBQ for dinner and he is taking no chances. Very sensible Dave.