Day #12 on/off Panglao – the homecoming…
Wow, what a day. Because we had our Dr Cert in hand and ferry and flights booked we’re ready to say goodbye to the Philippines today. Day #12 on/off Panglao – the homecoming… was a mixed emotion day as we have to say goodbye to Jimboy & Jhea, and our other family, our house, and of course the Philippines. Be safe everyone.
Day #12 on/off Panglao – the homecoming… goes like this;
3:00 am wake-up
4:00 am mini-bus departure
5 am arrival at Tubigon Seaport – medical checks and many other checks
8:30 am depart Tubigon Seaport to Cebu Pier 1
11:00 am arrive Cebu Pier 1 to CoastGuard, Police, Army and M16 Assault Rifles
12 midday 5 coaches with a variety of Nationalities depart with Police outriders to varying airport locations
4:00 pm SilkAir departs Cebu Airport with us onboard + 5 or so other Pax
7:30 pm we land at Changi – we’re home – we complete Stay@Home documentation
9:30 pm a normal taxi later we walk indoors and begin our ‘house arrest’ for 14-days
Here again, I will call out the Singapore Embassy in Manila and SilkAir. Without you guys, we would not be home. You were AMAZING support for us remotely whilst we tried to exit. 2 flights and ferries and many different Dr Certs following the local legislation in comparison to other countries. But together we did it and we are home.
Lot’s of video footage here as it was all rather unique and this is ‘show the grand-children’ stuff. Hopefully, they never have to experience what the world is experiencing right now. This is Day #12 on/off Panglao – the homecoming…

Circa 5 am before sun-up and the queue is long at Tubigon Seaport. We were literally 1st here so through the check-in and documentation handovers already. Flags of all Nations here – USA, Canada, Russia, German you name it!!! Plus UK and Filipina of course AKA us.

Luckily I was only telling Dad-Jokes, as always. Even at this time of the morning.

Sad to say goodbye to this place. Sunrise in Bohol, our 2nd home. How beautiful is this view? Peaceful and tranquil. Cranes fishing in the water beneath me as the sun creeps up above the horizon. A warm sea breeze lapping at the shore. And no noise at all. Strangely enough not a peep.

Yeah, yeah it’s Panorama time. Could not help myself it was just such a stunning morning to be saying goodbye.

And another health-check and Dr Certificate issuance. One to allow Tourism Board of Bohol to book the ferry and another to allow us on the ferry. Notice 50% wearing masks and 50% not. All about to board a ferry with zero social spacing. It’s just weird if you ask me.

Whilst there at the seaport for a couple of hours we pottered about, Jude, Amy and me. Love this almost Xmas tree plant holder. Re-use, Re-cycle on steroids and if those plants grow down the bottles it will look amazing. Love it.
CLICK HERE for some Flogging of this rather early, but beautiful morning.

Can you see the two people wading out in the shallow sea here? I assume husband and wife. Out to catch the change in the tide and lay a fishing net. Calm and peaceful, no speaking just fishing. It would not surprise me if they didn’t even know Covid-19 existed as they go about their daily uninterrupted life of sustainability.

And up comes the sun finally. Day-break is with us. We board on time at about 0630 am, but don’t leave until about 0830 am. Why? Well, because they had to manually re-enter all the paperwork filled in at the queue I showed you earlier so they have a copy for when the ferry hits Cebu. Yep, they have no photocopier at the port. OMG!!!

Lite Ferries are really old in comparison to the fast ferries that zip in and out of Cebu and Bohol. They are cargo and passenger, are single class and are very slow in comparison. But you do get to use these ‘beds’ rather than a chair. We all had a little snooze at some time on the journey as all so shattered from the 0300 am wake-up today. Pretty cool right, albeit very basic. This became a big adventure for the kids. $23 SGD for the 5 of us haha!!!

It’s this sort of vessel. Cargo and lorries on the front and foot pax on the back. Slow and steady.

Goodbye, beautiful Bohol. We’ll miss you. Be safe family, hoping you keep to ZERO Covid-19. See you soon once all this nastiness is done. Love you guys.

It’s a picnic breakfast time at 08:30 am. Bulalo flavoured super noodles and dipping biscuits. Told you it was an adventure for the kids. They loved it on this boat.

Daddy had brekkie too. Well the Russians next to me were all boozing so to fly the British flag one thought one ought to!!!

And we’re off. Goodbye Tubigon, goodbye Bohol. Until the next time.

It really is paradise here. Truly it is paradise.

Well underway now. #1 and wifey asleep on the beds, but Jude Jude and Strawberry Blonde have had a massive burst of energy and play most of the way over. Very nice to see this happen, bless them.

On the way over we passed by these amazing coral atoll islands just plonked in the middle of the sea. I feel some exploring coming. on next time we come to Bohol. Fast bus to Tubigon and rent a out-rigger and get on one of these islands for some exploring. They look just stunning. The picture is not going to give justice to what this looked like from the ferry.

A little view of the foto pax area from the ‘canteen’. The canteen options literally consisted of anything that you can add boiling water to make it food or drink, and a fridge. Very basic but that is sort of all we wanted on this adventure.

Another of those stunning islands on the other side of the ferry now. Clearly others had the same idea I had as there is at least 6 outriggers there likely with people diving and/or snorkelling in these topaz seas.

Land Ho!!! Yes, folks that is Cebu there in the distance. I wonder what lies in store for us when we get there? Again this is all unknown territory. The adventure continues.

And here we are. 5-6 luxury coaches on standby. Emergency squads taking temperatures and sanitizing your hands as you collect your cases. All under the watchful eye of armed Coastguards – the guys in grey camouflage. We find out that each coach is for designated countries eg: one for Russia etc. We left if a convoy with Police Outriders and one by one the coaches peeled off with our coach being the only one to go to Cebu Airport. I assume the others had perhaps military flight extractions?

Can you see the Army, Police & Commandos now? Most armed with semi-automatic side-arms or fully automatic assault rifles. See the guy under the gazebo and the other leaning against the yellow shed – yeap full-on M16’s. I wonder of there orders were to shoot on sight anyone that sneezes or coughs.
This one is quite funny and again a unique experience. CLICK HERE to watch the convoy experience.

On our coach, there was us going to Singapore and a handful of others going to Korea. We were the only coach of 6 that went all the way to Cebu airport. Its is not every day you see the departures board looking like this at an international airport. We were literally the last flight out today. I feel like Tom Hanks in The Terminal.
You have to have a look at this. This is video footage of both Cebu and Changi. Absolutely both ghost towns of International airports. Sadly, Covid-19 = 1 ‘v’ Airline Industry = 0. CLICK HERE.

Here we are ready to go. I took this snap to send to the Singapore Embassy Manila and SilkAir the Philippines, to say we made it and thank you for their help. Without them, we would have been stuck in Bohol until at least mid-April.

Not a single plane is moving. It almost looks like the aeroplane graveyard in Arizona. Only 3 planes in and out today, TOTAL, and we are on one of them.

I kid you not that ‘group’ ahead of my gang is it for the Singapore flight. And that group includes about 4 airport staff. We left 30 minutes early too. Well pretty simple to schedule if you are the only flight right?

And a quick look back as the last to board the plane. Yeap there is NO ONE here apart from the staff who are all having a real giggle as there is NOTHING TO DO as no passengers.

The final snap of our adventure folks. A 1st for me and the kids. 180 seater plane with 10 people on it, including our 5. We chose the back seat as it was 5 seats for 5 of us, but then realised we were virtually the only ones of the plane so ended up with a full row each. I had a quick snooze lifting the arm-rests up to have a flat-bed for a bit haha. Very tired and nearing the end of this LONG day.
And that was Day #12 on/off Panglao – the homecoming… folks. We walked in our front door at 2130 and locked it up for the next 14 days. We’re not allowed out of the front door for 14 days straight. Prior to immigration, you have to download tracking Apps, register your handphones and record the kid’s school. It is official we are under house-arrest AKA Stay@Home. I’ll let you know how that goes in some other blogs. On a positive, it forces me to be home so I doing a ‘dry’ fortnight whilst in ‘the cooler’. I am also planning to cook lunch and dinner as many times as possible with whatever ingredients I can get my hands on and use them SCANPANS now I am back. So you never know we might just be OK? Maybe we won’t have massive fun at the weekends anymore. Maybe we will go stir crazy. Maybe I’ll get an axe and start hacking the door down when wifey is having a shower? Anyways let’s see if we – ENJOY!!!
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