Day #3 Panglao, the Philippines Nov’2019
An interesting day for us all. My wifey and Jude use the car to go down to see Mum and family and to visit Papang’s grave. That left Amy and me at the house. Luckily too as we had a water delivery, and the engineers rocked up to commence some minor repair work on the house. I also managed to get a bit of catch-up on work time. I tell you it was truly lovely just sitting there in the house. It really was. Then at 11am our van arrives and Amy and I are off to secure our booking at Henann Resort on Panglao for a couple of nights – here comes Day #3 Panglao, the Philippines Nov’2019.

Our first time to drive down the new road and see our new International Airport. OK, OK it’s not Heathrow Terminal 5, but it is cool. Well done Bohol. Come on Scoot, get some SG flights coming this way – PLEASE!!!

And as we drive I am looking at this. Ours is the polt to the left of the light blue plot. Hmmm, I wonder, shall we buy another plot and build a new house. You know, I think we might just do that! Block 1 plot 231, I am liking. House #2.

Anyways we arrive at Henann Resort. I have to say guys three slaps today though. Check-in was shocking. 8 staff on check-out, and only two on check-in. It took forever. No welcome back hellos, which we always get at Bellevue, surely you know returning guests? It’s really just a nice gesture guys. And then our room was not available until 1530 (ish) when check-in standard time is 1500. Whoops! But hey it’s OK. Once we finally checked in though we got a big surprise, “Ah right Mr Kennett sorry your room is not ready yet. This is Ms X, she is your VIP concierge and will show you to the VIP lounge so you can wait for your room in aircon and have some refreshments.” Sorry, what sweetheart? Did you say VIP? We are VIP? Did you really say VIP, or did you mean I have VPL?

Snacks? Don’t mind if I do. Oh yeah, I am going to thieve some ideas for ChillaxBBQ. Loving those mango balls with parma. Thanks very much, Henann Resort.

I like being a VIP. If only my Mum was over here with us, she’d have all these in her handbag in a flash haha. Seriously lovely little snacks. Amy and I are in foodie heaven. Thank you Henann. Amaze-balls.

Not bad, not bad at all! Me likey long time!

Now that is one pretty plate of assorted snacks. I am loving being a VIP at Henann. Must do this again, Amy and I are feeling very special.

Does she need a pee, or is that actually supposed to be a nice pose for the photo?

Amy decides to go for sweet, not savoury clearly. Wow is that some sugar right there? Again though, a stunning array of beautiful food.

I’ll have a sneaky Pilsen please sweetheart. Well one does have to wile the time away, doesn’t one. Nice view too.
CLICK here to watch our ‘being a VIP at Hennan Resort’ – bloody funny

I remember sitting here with Mr and Mrs Paine, Mr and Mrs Coleman, and Mr and Mrs Edmonds when I had my 50th on Cebu. We dashed on the ferry to show them all the house and then come for a few beers here. Literally, we were sat right there. Great memories.

In fact, here we go – a flash-back to 2018 with my BFF’s. Rocking the Henann yet again!

Today my BFF is the one and only Strawberry Blonde.

Noice. That little sign beneath is calling me too… Yeah, time for a cold beach beverage. Toes in the sand too. Life does not get much better believe me.

Life is a Beach! And no beach better than Alona and Henann Resort. Oh yes!

And, look right. Heavenly, even when a little overcast.

And look left. At the end of the beach, there is Amorita Resort up the cliff. This is the first place I ever stayed in the Philippines. That was some 11 years ago now when Henann was a pizza dive shack. Also, this is where my brother YanYan works. We’ll be there tomorrow for lunch at Saffron. Man, I love the Philippines. It really is #funinthephilippines

Now we’re at the food stage for the day. The very same photos will be going into the BIG food blog on The Top 10 Restaurants in Bohol. And yes, Henann Resort is absolutely one of those. Check out these Sisig Lumpia parcels. Little parcels of deep-fried porky goodness. Served with some spicy native vinegar – basically this is called Tuba which is in effect coconut wine that has been fermented for a week or so.

This dish is another reason they are going into the Top 10 list. This is their sun-dried beef and it is off-the-charts amazing. This is beer-food on bloody steroids believe me. It is just wonderful. Icy cold Pilsen and this are bedfellows like no other. Sitting there chewing on this beefy goodness, cold beer in hand and white sandy beach between my toes. I could die happy right now.

And here is another cracker. Basic for sure, but super-good quality. Chicken strips with mustard honey mayo. It really is just ever so good. The beach-bar menu has something like over 50 options to choose from. What an incredible variety there is from local, to Western to other Asian.

Finally, the room is ready and we walk all the way back to the reception to get the keys and check-in to the room. Clearly, that walk tired Strawberry Blonde out and she kicked in her VIP privileges to use the golf-buggy. We are now in the same group as the pregnant and the elderly – yeah thanks Amy, have you no shame?

Did I say room? Wow, I meant condo! What an incredible room this is. I did indeed go upper end of the spectrum as a treat for us that has been funded by our lovely house and AirBnB. Hey, why not? And OMG this space is UBER cool. Great work Henann Resort we are surely loving the Villa.

It’s immense. We could create a Henann Resort Kibbutz just in our villa. Holy cow!

I lost Strawberry Blonde in the bathroom, it’s so big. Hold on a minute there she is. And she did indeed have a bath this night. When in ROME!

We even have our very own little plunge pool. How cool is that? Away from the Maddening Crowd. Paradise found.

I think we could get used to this. Stress just melts away from you. You can’t help it. You just feel the weight lifting from you. I am rejuvenated. I feel great.

Now that is not a bad front garden to be looking over from the balcony is it?

When I say balcony, I actually mean condo sized living space. Yes, there is rhyme in the reason. Every time we go away now we have to get two rooms, especially if we have OIllie and/or BeBe. So the thought was to upgrade to the villa to have massive floor space so we are not squeezy in one room and $ is same/less than two rooms. Hey, presto = villa. And the unexpected surprise of Mr VIP haha! Pinch the Margate boy!

Strawberry Blonde thought bubble; “My thoughts are wandering lonely as a cloud, that floats on high o’er grass and beaches, when all at once I saw a crowd, a host, of white Frangipani, beside the pool, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”

VIP or not – they still cannot spell my bloody name correct. Too funny. At least it was not Brain Kenneth – the double-whammy!

Due to the new tattoo, I am really not allowed in chlorine pools sadly. Maybe tomorrow. So Strawberry Blonde is swimming alone today but will have Jude and Mum tomorrow. Weeeeee. Yes, I am sat at the bar, but for much-needed power, for the laptop, as one is on a work audio-call right now as I take this snap.

And then the gang is back together and Mum and Jude are reunited with us. Straight to dinner as it is late. We opt for the beach buffet which is OK. The one thing worth a photo or two on the menu is ‘make-your-own’ Sisig. Now, this I am massively into. What a great concept! As he makes this we are serenaded by live music from a band on the beach, cold beverages galore and sand between those toes. I feel like an angel on earth.

Nicely does it, Chef. In goes the individual sizzling skillet to the wood holder. Yeah that is HOT.

And let’s flame it for show. Nicely done Chef, now that is very cool food-theatre.

You beauty. My very own personalised Sisig. Happy Daddy!