Day #9 on Panglao, Brekkie, Dr’s & Tourism Board
Day #9 on Panglao, Brekkie, Dr’s & Tourism Board – or so we thought… But, no. Another twist of fate against us. We have to go to the Tourism Board today and see the Dr and get the 24-hour valid health-cert aligned to our reserved flight tomorrow with SilkAir, so we may board the ferry from Bohol to Cebu. Guess what? As today is Sunday there is no Dr on general clinic service, only A&E we find out. We go to A&E and can’t get in without masks. We go and get masks and come back to then be rejected entry because A&E is only for A&E not for health-check and cert allocation. OMG. So we have to change our flight to 25th and go to Dr on a ‘work-day’ on 24th. How crazy is that, normal working week hours in a not normal Global Pandemic situation? #itsmorefuninthephilippines
Anyways prior to that we had a huge toastie brekkie session for the gang on Day #9 on Panglao, Brekkie, Dr’s & Tourism Board. Boy did we need strength to keep us going today? Mentally and Physically. Let’s have a look.

Strawberry Blonde opts for the Hot-Dog & Cheese Toastie ‘w’ Fried-Egg on top, Mayo & Green Tomato Salad.

Jhea and JimBoy get stuck into a ‘Basic’ Hot-Dog and Cheese Toastie with Mayo Swirl.

Jude opts for an upgrade to the Fried Filet Mignon Cheese Toastie with Mayo Swirl. Good choice Jude Jude.

And #1 goes for the MEGA Toastie. As you can see. Fully loaded combination of the three Toasties above. Yummo!!!
Because we are now on a ‘no-fly’ tomorrow until 25th, our Day #9 on Panglao, Brekkie, Dr’s & Tourism Board becomes food shopping time due to the extra days. But due to the curfew and no kids being allowed in shopping centres we had to leave them in the car whilst Wifey and I went food shopping. Some funny photos from that experience though. The World really has gone mad.

So we visited the clinic and no GP’s. We visited A&E, sorry you can’t come without a mask each. We go get masks. We go back to A&E, cool masks, yeah sorry no Dr’s available for general stuff only for A&E. OMG, what a waste of time. OK, let’s leverage the investment in the masks – kids we’re going to rob a bank, ready…?

Social distancing??? Not if it’s your birthday in the Philippines haha. Table for 50, please!!!

“Look into my eyes… I am Dr Jude and I will cure your ills,” said Dr Jude. “Burrrrrrrrrrrp!!!!! Whoops, sorry!!!” added Dr Jude.

Not really sure the social distancing is working here. Side by side in the queue so that they can space you out at the counter. Kind of a weird way to do it, or is that just me? I am very close to my queue neighbour but will be miles away from him when we get to the meat counter. Made me giggle.

“Madam. Yes, you Madam in the rather short red dress. I think you have had enough time at the pig tongue counter will you please move on and allow others to shop. I am counting down from 10. Please leave the counter Madam, or select your pig tongues. OK, 10, 9, 8, 7…”

WTF. I am an eye open eater of food. I really will try anything put in front of me. But waxy pig ear-holes and stumpy tails. Well, I may have just drawn the line… Or rather the line was drawn for me… Man do these guys need a cotton bud or 20…

And here another line is drawn and yes I have tried this many times before – it just not float my boat. Pig tongues. I just can’t get myself to eat something that has been in someone else’s mouth. I have been waiting and waiting to get this photo, but some women in a rather short red dress was at the counter for AGES!!!
Day #9 on Panglao, Brekkie, Dr’s & Tourism Board then takes a turn for the better. Well, we were expecting to be going to bed at 7 pm to be up at 3 am to go get the ferry at 7 am in Tubigon. Not any more. So we dug out one of the purchases that we were saving for our next trip. It’s a pool party time. We also decided to do a BBQ tonight. Hey, why not? I am going to be working from early early doors tomorrow now as 23rd was officially my 1st day back to work post-vacation. So I am back to work, just sat in the Philippines doing that.

Nothing like child-labour. Believe me, this really was a sweatshop!!! Not an iPhone or pair of Nike’s insight though (I promise).

Yeah, this is a good purchase. We now have the hared pool as part of the sub-division and our private pool in the house. A certain two people seem to really like it. Winner!!! Poor Wifey had to stand for about an hour holding the hose under the tap to fill it. Now she knows what it’s like to be a man having a wee (cough cough!!!).

Damn. Sometimes we are cool parents!!! Wifey and I want one. Just a much bigger one, and one with wine glass holders.
Day #9 on Panglao, Brekkie, Dr’s & Tourism Board then becomes a BBQ. So I am doing Slow-Roast Pork Loin in Asian Spices, Slow-Roast Beef Short-Rib Shallow Fried in Potato Starch, and Chargrilled Sweetcorn ‘w’ Margerine & Sugar. Hell yes!!! Work tomorrow begins with a BOOM!!!

Slow-Roast Beef Short-Rib Shallow Fried in Potato Starch. Crikey no pressure. Going to try and shallow-fry these after a low and slow reverse sear. Blimey Charlie. Wish me luck!

Slow-Roast Pork Loin in Asian Spices – I have realised this trip that I cannot reverse sear in our current little oven. The flames in the oven are from the bottom so there is no ‘cool-spot’. It is bloody hot where the flame is and bloody hot at the top and too small to really have a middle. I need a new oven when we move here. Anyways here is the pork loin marinading in some soy, clove, cinnamon, and soy.

It’s a big gathering again for family Kennett and Enoroba. This was supposed to be our last night, now night +2 as we await Dr and the like on Tuesday and hopefully the flight on Wednesday. For now, we enjoy these family days here.

Brother’s on the tools. The Beard having one of those food crazies moments, where YanYan is just super cool. Massive squid on the BBQ. We’re round the back. because it poured with rain. I knew we had the extension built for a reason. Tonight was worth the money for it. Brothers in Arms…

That’s a better one. Not so #foodcrazyinsanelook

Dripping Squid finally on the grill. This bad boy leaked its ink all over the supermarket floor, hence it’s the nickname of Dripping Squid. It’s a beast too. WOW!!! Naked BBQ Squid – as in all you need is salt and pepper.

My Amazing BBQ Sweetcorn. Margarine, brown sugar, salt & pepper and a little oil. Marinade and then char on the BBQ. Ding Dong! The kids loved it!!! Winner!!!

I thought I had low and slow my beef short ribs to tender. Not in the slightest haha. I NEED MY OVEN FROM HOME PLEASE!!! Anyways flavour was incredible with this crunch from the Potato Starch. So reverse sear these on low and slow with some oil and salt and pepper. Season the potato starch with paprika, salt & pepper and then ‘dust’ the cooked beef short-ribs as above. These are ready for a shallow fry now.

Look at those bad boys go. It should not take long. Just until the seasoned potato starch has crisped up and formed a lovely crispy exterior on the meat.

Something like this folks is what you want. I served like this and then chopped each of the ribs up into individual pieces at the tableside. Always the showman huh! Sadly though these were so bloody tough. We discussed boiling these in vegetable stock in our French skillet pan, or low and slow in our oven at home. This experiment will continue until I get this right because the outcome flavour was incredible, the crunch was off-the-charts, jut the meat was as tough as a flip-flop haha!!! Looks good too right?

My little Char Siew-esque thin slices of the pork loin. Nicely cooked, a bit heavy on the cloves – noted for next time! Looks nice though. But how to plate…?

There we go. Get that skillet a sizzling again. A little oil and some Spring Onion in the bottom first. The on with the pork and sprinkle with some fresh Spring Onion stalk for colour and a drizzle of Maggi seasoning. Looking good, looking good!!!

Here comes a crazy one for desert. I spotted some watermelon and had an inspiration. BBQ watermelon. I drizzled with some oil and a little salt & pepper, and then brown sugar all over the red ‘meat’ of the watermelon. My Sous Chef assisting me again with this, as I needed the colas super-hot to caramelise the sugar onto the watermelon.

Yeah, just like that!!! My BBQ’d Watermelon ‘w’ Brown Sugar

Cubed and served with skewers. This was as weird as, but so bloody moreish. It almost turned to a steak-like consistency. Meaty, yes meaty. It also had a variety of flavours from cucumber, to toffee, to I don’t know what. This was a bizarre one. Family Filipina loved it with Mae, YanYan and Jhea wolfing this down. The jury was still out for the Western family. I thought it was funky as hell and really unique. This will be experimented with too. Another dish for the ChillaxBBQ list of new experimental dishes.
What an unexpected day, Day #9 on Panglao, Brekkie, Dr’s & Tourism Board turned out to be. I was expecting loads of queuing. Dr prods and probes. Tourism Board question sessions. A VERY early night after packing and saying goodbyes. But no, because it was a Sunday our stranded situation continued. So we made the most of this Sunday in a BIG WAY I think you will agree. What a cracking and funny family packed day. Another superb one for the memory banks. My first time to cook with Yan Yan too – he’d be welcome on the ChillaxBBQ crew any day of the week. He was a legend on the grill. Hope you liked the blog, now try some of the recipes from today – there are some rather interesting ones for you to – ENJOY!!!
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