Down to Margate, 2019… and and and
I tell you what I am so very lucky sometimes in life and career. I have joined Compass Group if you didn’t know. One of the largest companies in the world, employing something like 650,000 people across the planet, and they are British. Hell yeah, I love that. Part of the induction is a great deal of training and that training seems to all happen in the UK for me. When we do this training we have people from all over the world attending so they tend to hold the event at a place where we do the catering. For this training that was to be held at Chelsea FC, I kid you not just read on. So I get flown by business class, I opt for Emirates to save some money due to the one-stop in Dubai and then have the ability to stay the weekend and see family before flying back. That’s why this is called Down to Margate, 2019… and and and. Let’s have a look, shall we…?

So 7 and one-half hours down already and we descend into Dubai for a brief 45-minute layover before starting the remaining 7 and one-half hours. Not a bad view from the window.

Yeah, that is a pretty amazing view from the window too. No this is not Margate yet. See, no donkeys. This is the desert before Dubai city starts. It goes on and on and on. Wow!

And here is Dubai suburbia. I like a lot. One day perhaps Compass will shift me here. I could have a crack at this for sure. Looks amaze-balls.

Then back on the plane to the hardship of business class. Thank you again Compass. I am blown away by this seat. I feel like a King, goodness me. I have to say Emirates, you rip the arse out of British Airways. Amazing quality and services, just off the charts.

OK, that was not my seat as I found out about 30 seconds after sitting. Mine was even better with the console thing blocking off the aisle. I was in my own cocoon. This thing is as big as a capsule hotel room in Japan. I am so very lucky and humbled, thanks to Compass Group. Wow! “Champagne Sir?” “Don’t mind if I do thanks, sweetheart, keep ’em coming!”

If you look closely you can just about see Tom Cruise sat on top of the building still.

I thought I would get up for a stretch and a pee. I was also intrigued by this mention of the bar for a drink and a snack. And hey presto guess what there is at the back of the plane. Man oh man I love Emirates A380. World-class. I cannot believe it – way better than the mile-high club ha ha!

I then get into Heathrow and a VERY long taxi-ride to Chelsea FC, almost as long as the bloody flight. Chelsea was playing Ajax this night so the roads were closed so yours truly was walking down the closed road with suitcases dodging all the supporters bustling their way to the game. Come on Chelsea!!! What a game too 4-1 down and back to 4-4, with 2 Ajax being sent off. Madness watching it at Freddie’s Bar in the ground.

Up for brekkie the next day, and hello there full English. Well minus fried eggs and black pudding, but a good effort nonetheless.

I managed to have a wee wander around as a tourist before the training started. Freezing cold and jet-lag kicking in, but still how cool it is to be here.

The famous Shed End Wall. I am liking this big time!

Frankie, Frankie, Frankie

And then over lunch one day we get to go in the ground for a walkabout. OMG, pinch me I really am so very lucky. I am stood right next to where Archer had his Season ticket seat.

An amazing crew from Compass Group. If I remember right there are representatives here from something like 20 countries. Quite amazing that statistic, and truly amazing people too. Incredible colleagues – humbled to be part of it.

Nice and sunny, but still bloody cold. A busy week for Chelsea this week, as Crystal Palace will be on their way on Saturday (and we won by the way). Happy Daddy. Sorry to the kids, especially Ollie.

Team Singapore. My new friend and colleague, Sean. Top guy. Still sort of pinching myself.

The photo on the other side of the all wall now. Chelse Chelsea Chelsea The Shed End.

Meanwhile back in Singapore. Jude Jude is at his new school induction day. Very proud of him. He was so good, according to Mum, and even made two new friends. He is an amazing little thing.

Then our Chef’s at Chelsea FC really push the boat out by serving up their version of an English picnic-style luncheon. Oh my goodness gracious me. Three huge trestle tables with a various fare. Check this out. Simply amazing. Apple cider pickled onions, pheasant sausage rolls, incredible pork pies, 2 quiches and then to the next table…

Table #2 then. Holy shit check this bad boy out too. Charcuterie style now. I am literally in heaven. All English produce too. Some call-outs for me on this table were the smoked mutton, holy cow (sheep) just legendary, the Cheddar was to die for, a stunner of a Chorizo, superior Salami. Hell, it was all stunning. Literally all of this was stunning. This is foodie heaven. Again right about now I started having to pinch myself.

Feeling a little guilty I did not even try the dessert table, despite how amazing it looks. You know me by now, I am savoury, not sweet. I did steal some home-made jelly babies though (the blue and white striped bags) for Baby Ayden ha ha.

Meanwhile back in Singapore, the kids are at Kaj’s birthday party.

And that was that. Training over, goodbyes made. Off to St Pancras to meet the brother for a couple of after-work beers and then on the train to Margate. On the train, we meet this rather interesting chap. Trained by gipsies because at 14 he was too young to pick hops. What a character. Maybe fiction but a great story anyway. He was sitting in a pub chatting with his mates and a guy came up to talk to them. He asked to use a few of their slang words that they were using for a TV show he was writing. The writer was in the pub listening to local chat to get inspiration for this new TV show. They accepted and the writer took away things like; “Luverly jubbly” and “Cushti”. Amazing that that very TV show is now celebrating its 30 year anniversary of “Jolly Boys Outing to Margate”. How about that. I loved this train ride home – brother, beers and Mr Trotter.

The next day it is Daddy Day Care with the brother and Baby Ayden. How wonderful it is to see him, and now much has he grown – WOW!!! But he still remembers me, and I love that.

Yes, he does. He’s such a handsome chap, and a lovely little guy to boot despite not being on top form with a dicky tummy bless him.

Breakfast over and it is washing hands time before Uncle Brian and Daddy need to have their breakfast. But that is a walk away to Quex House. Sure am looking forward to that.

But first, it is Ayden chasing Uncle Brian upstairs time. He’s like a rocket now.

He is one cool dude, is Ayden. He is rocking!

I am seriously having a foodie hard-on holiday. Quex Barn is amazing. Look at this place. You’d never see me again if I lived near this place. I just had to go browsing. Whilst I was doing that brother goes in to change Baby Ayden. 30 minutes later, no more wet-wipes, a sweating brother, and a waist-up naked Baby Ayden emerged from the toilet. The poor little thing had projectile vomited and shit liquid shit everywhere. DK had to start wiping his bum from his neck down. Bless. But Baby Ayden was so cool about it. Amazing actually. I’d be laid down in a darkened room somewhere. He soldiered on with brother and I. Amazing.

You literally would never see me again. Check out that selection of cheeses. Blimey Charlie. Perhaps Brexit is a good thing after all. If this is the cause and effect it gets my vote!

“Excuse me do you have any jam and preserves?” SLAP!!!

I love chalk-boards like this. The pride of the produce is singing out to me. Don’t you love this? You won’t see this at Asda or Lidl. This is proper Butcher-Speak, and I love it. But wait, what is that to the side…?

Holy Shit. That’s that then. I am SOLD! Yes, I did end up buying 8Kg of that rib bottom left of the dry-ager. I could not help myself. And that is now sat in my freezer here in Singapore. I cannot wait to get some of that going on the BBQ after a nice slow reverse-sear. Heavenly. Funny in my head I knew I’d be doing this at 90 degrees for 1-2 hours and then charring it off. Guess what the Butcher said he would recommend for cooking it. You got it. 1-2 hours on low heat to the desired doneness and then charr it. I love me and food sometimes ha ha.

British fare at its best in my reckoning. Even the bread stall just stands out as exceptional. Look at the bread pudding middle right – holy crap. The sourdough too. Sod it. It all looks so stunningly good. WOW!

There is even English arts and craft on display, that you can purchase. I would have if only they had a smaller one. I love this. A cup and saucer clock. This is simply genius. I want, I want!!!

Now that is what you call a FULL ENGLISH breakfast. Again it is all local produce and I am loving it. WOW. That is some quality breakfast right there! And it was just delicious, despite the ensuing food coma.

I have not been here for an age. Quex House. Home of Powell Cotton and his amazing array of dead stuff. Apparently this is now being used by studious types to study extinct species and the like. OK, I take it back then, it’s a good job he killed so much stuff and cut their heads off and stuck them on the wall. Phew!!!

Trying to find my inner self after breakfast, and Ayden having lost all of his inner self over his Daddy, I started thinking of the Dalai Lama. And then, as if by magic… OK, OK they are actually Alpacca.

Funny thing we spotted. A sign about the Alpacca. You can have a walkabout with them, the Alpacca experience. BUT, you can also do hen-nights and stag-nights with them? Er……..

The genius of English humour kicking in now. This is the ‘Maize Maze’. Just bloody brilliant. How funny is that? Great work Quex.

This is so very English. Autumnal colours, sunny but cold, and a shaded avenue walk-way in the country. I do miss this in Singapore. It’s a jungle out there.

Body-warmer indoors, yeah it’s cold. Can’t wait to get to Mum’s, AKA ‘the fridge’. Love the fact that Baby Ayden still remembers his Uncle B, even sitting on my lap to do some chalkboard drawing. Bless him.

House #3 in as many days. Suitcases transferred and DK are leaving Ayden asleep with Nanny whilst I go shopping for a few emergency things – Jude’s birthday, a new suitcase for my 8Kg of meat etc etc.

After shopping it is time for some brotherly love and off we go for a walk down memory lane to Margate. This is brother’s chance to show off to me how much Margate has changed since last I was there – quite a while ago now. She’s looking pretty bleak over that direction. Keep following that beach to Westgate, Birchington, Minnis Bay, Reculver, Whistable blah blah…

This is class. This house has never taken down its Christmas decorations. So no, these are not current but early, these are from like 50 years ago. Now known, affectionately, as the Christmas House.

And there she is in all her Glory. Margate Town. “Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside, of I do like to be beside the sea….”

Yours truly, shirt body-warmer, coat and scarf and still bloody cold. Here she is, looking pretty amazing isn’t she. She, unlike yours truly, has aged very well. Ooooh, what’s that to my right (as you look) in the distance. DK has been giving me clues and hints. Let’s go have a look. The bloody jacket matches my red nose. Brrrrrr.

Little surprises are popping up around every corner. This is a DJ boxed beach-bar. You buy your food from next door and come sit and listen to chillout beach beats whilst munching – now that I love. Closed at the moment for the season. I bet this gets rammed. Have a look at my other blogs of the Philippines and places like The Hideout that I love. Yes, indeed this rings of that. Just that in the Philippines there is shag all cold weather so it’s open all the time pretty much. Big difference. But I will say again, well done Margate. I love seeing this sort of development. It’s on the cool agenda. Now my idea would be to invest in some gas burners and open for another 3-6 months a year rather than just have it sat empty – well that’s what they do in Melbourne and Vancouver.

I am liking this more and more and more. This is the restaurant for the DJ box next door. Check the piggy signs and they are British to boot. Come on guys, you just keep getting better and better. Also, the chalk-board menu looks incredible. Must come back in Summer, or donate some gas-burners and get them to open in the winter.

If this was driving around I think I would have passed out right then and there. Yes, this is a cafe. Downstairs is the kitchen. You place your order and wander upstairs and take a seat. Absolutely fucking GENIUS this is. I WANT ONE and I WANT ONE NOW!!!

Remember I said the 30th Anniversary of Only Fools & Horses and the Jolly Boys Outing to Margate. It surely is remembered here as you can see. Love it!
And bringing the two together would be this photo of my Mum with the boys when they bought donuts from her stall for that very episode. A VERY proud moment for Judy’s Donut stall. How young is Mum there? Just stunning as always ha ha.

Del and Uncle Albert digging into Mum’s donuts. Look in the stall window and there is Mum having just served them. A claim to fame. A piece of history in fact.

Dreamland has been up and down, and at one point gone altogether when the Dutch grabbed it and turned it to Bembom Brother’s. But it is now back to retro hipster status, and it is cool again. That’s some class 50’s building that. It’s heritage. It used to be the cinema when I was a kid, but that is long since departed.

Let’s go back a few years to 1969, shall we? I was one when this photo was taken, and not a lot has changed really, has it? I tell you this is heritage and hipster now. Long may this survive.

DK and I then spot this bathing machine on the beach, with awning and steps, and even smoke coming from the chimney. But we have no idea why. Bathing machines were invented in Victorian times when it was illegal for a lady to expose her neck or ankles. I always wonder what if she flashed her bum, is that OK as long as no neck or ankles? Anyways to avoid this illegal behaviour when they fancied a swim they built these, and 100’s of them were on the beach back in the day. So, like Mr Ben, the lady would enter one side fully garbed for the street, a horse would then pull the machine into the sea where she would emerge from the other side again neck to tow in a swimsuit to have a splash about in the sea. Reverse that process and she’d go for a cup of tea on the seafront fully refreshed.

Back in the 19th Century, this was beachfront. What a difference today.
What we have since found out is that this has been recreated as part of the Turner Gallery developments. It has used crowdsourcing to bring back this piece of history. It is a ‘members-club’, but a free one. Inside is a sauna. You can also book a massage. So the idea is you book it, go in have a sauna and a massage, and then run to the sea for your plunge in the icy waters as part of the cleansing process. Absolutely superb. Double love it.

And this is what it looks like on the inside now. This is the creator, a guy that turns Margate seaweeds into soaps and the like. A bloody brilliant person in my humble reckoning.

You can’t beat a good rock shop. And no I do not mean someone who supplies landscape gardeners. These used to be every other shop along the seafront when I was a kid in Margate. All sorts of sweets and lollies, buckets and spades, kiss-me-quick hats and the like. A dying breed now though. This is the only one I espied on DK and my little tour. In fact, my Nan used to work on one on Margate Beach, many many years ago now. Those were the days.

I have to add this in to show off my mate Smether’s pub. As you can see he was voted pub of the yeat for Thanet in 2018. For those that don’t know, CAMRA stands for The Campaign For Real Ale. Great work Mr Smethers keep it up buddy! Sad not to have seen you this day, DK advised you were out and about on a visit to another pub. Next time mate, next time. Pop in and see Shaun though. He’s a good lad. Hard as fucking nails footballer, and I would know as I played alongside him for years.

Yet more hallowed ground in Margate is Pete’s. This has been here for as many years that I have walked this planet. So half a decade-plus. Best fish n chips on the planet in my reckoning. This place is legendary and I even love the large cod and chips, with a pickled egg, gherkin and shit loads of salt and vinegar. Simply heaven in a newspaper.

Yet another seaside classic. The seafood stall. Perhaps the very first British food-trucks. These things date back for as long as I can remember. It’s an acquired taste shall we say with various types of shell-fish boiled and then doused in vinegar, salt and pepper. I think my sis, Nikki, was the only one who ever could eat Whelks. Big hunks of chewy, gelatinous, alien-looking, ‘stuff’. I could venture to cockles, but if you had a batch that they had not cleaned properly forget it. Basically you rake the sand for cockles in the low tides, then put them in cold fresh-water. Because this is not salt-water the cockles should puke up and in-turn expels all the sand in their stomachs that they have been filtering. If you don’t do this properly you end up with a shit load of ‘grit’ and crunchy cockles – yeah, no thanks! So if I were a Castaway, I might be all right to survive on shellfish alone, as long as I have fresh water and fire. Oh yeah and salt, pepper and vinegar. Hmmmm.

Now, this stand-out building is where DK is really dragging me. He wants to show this off in a big way. You can tell you know. We have been window-shopping so far. He has talked to me about this space and shown me a few photos. I used to come here as a kid/teenager, so to see it in this amazing new colour scheme and with its incredible new use is actually rather exciting. Let’s be having you.

But first, let’s go back to the 19th Century Margate, shall we? Well, bugger me it was the Parade Cinema. Now, this survived as a cinema for years, even to when I was a kid in Margate. Then it became a snooker hall. It’s been around the block, but now it is back as something of grandeur, a little quirky but absolutely legendary genius. I’ll be back for a pint and those wings again sometime soon, just you watch.

Yeah, this is UBER cool and hipster, it is even celebrating Deepavali Festival of Lights. I feel quite at home. This is an indoor hawker, to give it an Asian spin. It is such fantastic use of this space and again sends me flooding to experiences of Timbre in Singapore and The Hideout in the Philippines. Just on a much larger scale. But what an absolutely superb concept that has been executed so bloody well. Be proud Margate this is really wonderful. I really do feel a great vibe in here.

I had to wipe my eyes and look again. What’s this in Margate, seriously? Someone clearly has had a wander over my way then to know about Singaporean and Lecannan cuisine. Both similar in history actually. Melacca is a Unesco Heritage site. Like Singapore, both are. hotch-potch of mixed hybrid foods. In Singapore, they call the style Peranakan. So great work to this Chef, although I did check the menu and did not see much ‘authenticity’. Just saying like. But great work mate! With Brexit, it’s about time more international flavours were brought to England.

Seriously how good is this place? It’s colourful, it’s busy, it’s warm (haha), I even bumped into some old mates in there. I truly love it, and I am not just saying this for my brother’s sake. I would come back to Margate just to go here again, and I am desperate to bring my Mary and the kids. 1000% this would float their boat too. Just superb.

I saw this tiny little stall next and stopped in my tracks. Does that say juicy jerk chicken in Margate? Am I seeing the words Smoke and Shack on the chalkboard? Look no further brother this is what we are snacking on, and snacking in right now. Hell yeah! I had a really good chat with the owner and what a cracking guy. He has been here since the opening of Old Kent Market. He has a tiny little shop, and yep his smoker is inside. Holy shit. It’s like a wine fridge size electric with wood-chips. Good work mate, now let’s be eating.

But first, it’s official I was indeed serving a beer in the UK’s smallest Pub as reconsigned by Guinness Book of Records, albeit because of $8k need from the owner he is not yet in the book. The Little Prince is the nuts. Only 2 seats. See the guy to the right with the beard, it is his. And it is QUALITY. Beers ordered! Thank you my good man.

My little bro clearly enjoying himself. He and I sat down in the pub and immediately created a fire hazard due to the occupancy rates. How cool is this seriously?

Come see the crew at Smoke Shack. Brilliant food. I’ll share more on that in a second.

I think The Little Prince’s Landlord was nervous to see us cos his hands were shaking. Hey, whatever, still a cracker of a photo of the brothers. Can you tell if we are having fun or not?

OK, Smoke Shack. I am marking you down on the brisket sadly. The flavour was wonderful but man oh man so dry. I think maybe an old batch. I even struggled with the trying to moisten it with the gravy. BUT. And this is a BIG BUT, you were more than saved with your chicken wings. Goodness gracious me. Off-the-charts good. Moist, juicy, packed with flavour explosions and a stunning heat that creeps up. 51-year-old fatty is a calling out that these are up there with the absolute best wings eaten so far and I would love to thieve your recipe one day. Perhaps when I come back next. For you punters in Margate – check the menu above and order the ‘homemade tangy BBQ sauce smoked jerk wings’. Ding Dong.

Snacked up and warm, we trot off to the end of the pier to grab a beer at The Lighthouse Bar. I think we hit him too early as no pumps working, and a birthday party being organised. But, with a bottle in hand, DK and I ventured out to the cold for some sea air and back-drop photos. Awesome!

By the way, this is something like 1730, not midnight. Crazy right? Well crazy for us living near/on the equator.

Let me take you back in time again to when I was a kid. This is again from the ’60s. Prior to the great storm of January 1978, this was what it looked like. A huge steel pier and promenade. The white building is the lifeboat house and ramp. Yes, I remember this as a little one, catching the little train up the middle to the end for some fun and games. Like a mini-Brighton.

And this is it in January 1978. Quite incredible and very sad, and yes I remember it well as a 10-year-old then. I also remember the army coming down to try and remove the steel that was left with dynamite and it took something like 5 goes to achieve the outcome. Double amazing that nature was the winner hands-down. Very sad though.

We are on borrowed time now though as Ayden is awake and Mum has set the alarm on DK haha. But we walk around the old town of Margate to quickly see the incredible transformation there and then pop in to see this just amazing pub called Fez. This is retro on steroids and focused their attentions at a staggering array of different gins. See my brother in the bottom right. It’s packed in here. He is queueing I am photographer and blogger.

I love this place and want to have this as my local. I could have sat in here for hours, and clearly the locals do indeed do that. Standing room only was for ‘visitors’ and we were certainly that. What I also loved about this place was that again this is now something like 1800. Also the accents in here. I guarantee that about half the patrons were not from Margate. Great work Fez.

A walk home now for us. Yep, this is not quite 1900, too funny. I literally do feel like it is midnight. I am on the way home to get changed to go to a mate’s wedding reception at Margate Football Club. The night has just begun ha ha.

These have popped up all over the UK apparently. Part of an exhibition from the Turner and artist Alex Chinneck. He erected three of these in Margate, London and Tinsley near Sheffield.

The vicarage just up the road from Mum’s. Rather nice decorations on a spooky moon night to boot. Nice snap!

A quick run in, splash wash, tart up and walk down to Margate FC to see the boys. Something like 34 years I have known this lot now. They are like brothers too. We have grown together, seen life, death, marriages and birth. They will be friends forever and I mean that sincerely. I do miss them very much.

This is Martin who is celebrating his wedding reception with his stunning wife. So many congratulations to Mr and Mrs B, and thanks again for the invitation to the party. It was just so amazing to see us all back together after so many years.

Bring in the WAGs now too. This is about 1/3 of the people at the party, by the way, haha! Yeah, he is a popular bugger is Bretty. Cracking fun and again for me blown away to be able to see everyone together.

Happy, happy, happy!

Mrs Paine and I managed to have some fun together too. Magic Mirror time. Not so magic as to lose my stomach. Shit mirror! Magic my arse!

And let’s have another crack at that bloody mirror with Coleman and Eppsy. Holy crap I get it now, it’s one of those funhouse mirrors from down the beach. No wonder we all look large and old. Not using that again!

A whole day with this little champ now. We have caves, lunches and bath-time coming! My last day in Margate.

Sunglassed BFF’s. I love this little guy.

So bought this for Ayden, but Mum was trying to claim it as her 1st idea. But she succumbed under the pressure on Sunday morning and allowed me to share it with the little man. What you are not hearing is brother DK chastising me continually for not reading the instructions first – “yeah, yeah… whatever. I have my apprentice to help me.”

“Er Uncle Brian, I think you might need these pieces!” said Ayden.

“Nah mate, look at that, bish, bash, Bosch!” said I.

“Yeah but Uncle Brian if I shake it, it is a bit wobbly!” said Ayden. “Well don’t shake it then Ayden!” said me.

Then the big hairy foreman arrives and she’s carrying a knife. Luckily Ayden and I are on a coffee break.

“Uncle Brian, seriously if you had read the instructions like Daddy said, you would know that this screw goes in here. And now it won’t be wobbly!” said Ayden

“OK, you win mate. Good job Boss Ayden!” said I. I had to agree with him. Well, at least he loves his present. Job done. Good work Uncle Brian.

Lovely to grab a snap of my Grandad’s medals whilst I was there too. What with 11/11 coming to us fast. He didn’t want to get these originally bless him, bad memories, and the fact that some officers would step foot in a country and get a campaign medal them having never lifted a hand/rifle or lost a friend or a life. Luckily DK found the papers and we got them from the MOD and framed them for all to see and be proud of our Grandad, Joe. Such an amazing man! Lest We Forget!!!

Closed for 18 years. Somewhere I used to go to when I was way younger. I think it may have been 35+ years ago that I went last to here. This was DK’s idea and I am loving it. So is my BFF Ayden. He is sporting Mum’s new line in knit-wear, that we call, re-purposed Jumper Hat.

So proud of this little man. Check out his walking. A good snap of the family too.

Massively changed since my days of visiting the Margate Caves. Open after 18 years of campaigning and fund-raising. This is now the new entrance. It really has a wow factor now. Great work to the volunteers that made this happen. It really is impressive guys!

Wow, so cool. As in literally, it is cool, bloody freezing in fact. Joking aside this is awesome – memories flooding back of being kid exploring this space and that of its nearby neighbour The Shell Grotto. I am loving this. Thanks, brother and sister and Ayden for bringing me. Oh yeah, and for paying – damn you BT and no wifi for the POS.

Come on this is uber cool. I bet that all us grown men are looking at this thinking of war stories and adventures. And if you are not, go get your dress back on cos you ain’t no bloke. Come on how can you not think of things like Indiana Jones, The Great Escape, Pirates & Smugglers, The Goonies, Escape From Alcatraz, even The Shawshank Redemption when you see this. I am in an adventure right now, but it is all in my head.

OK, there is a giggly bit about Margate Caves. Someone has indeed painted murals. We always joked that it was the local Thanet Council. Yes, they have been touched up in modern time. But some do apparently date back some time.

Yes, they are big. Iron-age skeletons have been unearthed nearby. It goes like this apparently; Originally dug as a chalk mine in the 18th century, the Caves have been welcoming visitors since 1863 but were closed in 2004. Since the digging, they have been used by smugglers (apparently) and for ice and wine storage when there was a grand house atop.

My Sis and Baby Ayden – true explorers. Although not sure what he is looking at. Speech bubble; “Er Uncle Brian, I think you might have a bogey… Just saying like!”

Now THAT is a keeper. Love it!

OK, OK Lascaux Caves it is not. More like Margate Kinder Caves, but still, it is interesting like.

So apparently the guy that found these in the latter half of the 18th century, was a gentleman named Francis Forster who built a large red-brick house on the site which he called Northumberland House, allegedly after the county of his birth. In 1798 his gardener, whilst digging behind the building, discovered the Caves by having the ground give way beneath him. One account of the discovery stated that he died from the injuries sustained falling into the caves. Perhaps it is his ghost that still walks the caves to this day. Wooooo. I sound like a bloody tour-guide.

Apparently, it was he who commissioned the carvings and paintings to turn this into his very own little grotto. I’d have done the same. DK was very jealous of this guys ‘Man Cave’ clearly.

Loads of little things to look at carved in the chalk. A little paint-by-numbers here. Cutesy value though. Still, like it a lot.

Yeah, not sure really. Not a Mammoth and surely no Dumbo either. I will call you Ellie.

My little woolly hatted Indiana Jones and Mum (don’t remember that in the films…).

Hmmmm I wonder when this was done? 1798? A farmer wearing a top hat? He would absolutely have had to take that hat off walking through these caves, as very low in places haha.

So this was the old entrance. This must have been where Nikki and I came in as kids. I’ll show you a photo soon of new and old ‘visitor centres’.

Well. “Yes, I am thanks!” No, this is THE well. Hand-dug to get to the water table. I assume it served the Northumberland House above.

Come on, you can’t dispute that this is cool. It’s a 30-minute adventure, that took me back to kid days and I loved every minute of it.

Something different for the family on a Sunday. We all had fun, including the little man and bigger man standing this side of the camera.

These have been described as a multitude of things in the past from grain storage, to smuggler prison cells. But I think I will go with the latest version of ice storage. That does indeed make logical sense. It’s a natural fridge-freezer.

See what I mean, a little place for the water run-off to stop melting too. Makes sense to me.

‘Apparently’ carved by our mate that built the house upstairs. This is supposed to be his etching. He forgot to add ‘WOZ ERE’, LOL, and a smiley face.

“If you just look up there Ayden you can see where the gardener back in the 19th Century dug a little hole that collapsed in and he fell to his death by cracking his skull open and spilling his brains,” said Daddy.

Now we’re talking. It’s CFF’s wine cellar and ice storage. Now I am jealous of his Man Cave as well. Damn you CFF.

Weird looks a bit like me when I have just got out of the shower and towel-dried my hair.

A quick run across the road so I can get my brother, sister and darling nephew in a snap at the National Lottery sponsored Margate Caves Visitor Centre. A lovely family snap on a lovely sunny day in Margate.

Would that have been such a nice family snap outside the old Margate Caves Visitor Centre from when I was a kid haha. Just a little different right? I daren’t even call this hipster and retro. Just shed will have to suffice.
Next, we are off to lunch at one of our all-time family Thanet favourites. Smugglers in Birchington. This was a VERY special lunch or dinner location. As in VERY special. So to come back after all these years is just awesome. I think the last time I was there might have been with Penny and would have therefore been about 25+ years ago. Goodness me. Let’s have a looksie at lunch this day.

Yeap I am liking the specials board from events to food. This is looking rather promising I have to say. I really liked the guy pulling the beers too, also one of the owners. Or, “one of the Bob’s’ as he described himself.

I don’t know. My sister and her mid-life crisis haha. I had a pig and a cow tattoo, but she has to buy a sports car. I have to say what a cracker it is. Soft-tops work so much better in the UK, especially on a day like today. Whack the heated seats on and top-down. In Singapore, you’d be sweating your nuts and head off if you did that. I did ask my sis to lay across the bonnet but she flatly refused. Haha.

Normal seating is in here. How lovely is that? But today this is solidly booked for the Mayor and those remembering 11/11 over at Birchington Church. Lest We Forget. Much respect.

Get in there. Wow! Stacker time. Brother Richard had this. Not as in that, he is a Monk of Friar or anything. He is my brother-in-law. Haha. Prawns and crab meat if I remember. Like a piece of art. Nicely done Smugglers. Eye candy for a foodie indeed.

Nikki goes in for this poached prawn in some creamy sauce. It all looks rather delicious, doesn’t it? I am very impressed with every dish so far.

Here’s my little bad boy. Button mushrooms in a creamy garlic sauce with bacon lardons. Not really lardons it has to be said, but tasty nonetheless. I polished this off tout suite. Rather nice thank you so much!

A classic. Deep-fried camembert for other brother and sister. Class on a plate. You just cannot go wrong. A little fruit sauce and some nicely done orange segments.

A massive amount of back-light was making this picture taking very hard. Anyways with a little photo-shopping, we are sorted and all can now be seen. Not sure if Nikki and Richard were surprised, or didn’t hear the guy say ‘cheese’. Perhaps they thought he was offering more deep-fried camembert? Next time please say ‘smile’ cameraman.

Despite still being sicky, and way past his afternoon nap, my little mate was so bloody good. This is also why you see no Mum in the photos. Yep Ayden AKA ‘the germ’ has knocked another one down. Hos Dad and then Mum are next. Is this Ayden’s face for; “I will keep passing on the germ unless you give me 1 million dollars…”

It’s the food theatre time. I ordered for DK and I. Yeah baby, ChateauBriand that gets carved at the table. How could I refuse? You know the food-wanker in me? And we were so glad I was, because this turned out to be rather special. I wonder if this meat is from Quex?

See what I mean. Ding dong. Smugglers this is up there guys. Amazing steak thank you. I even stole my sister’s Yorkshire pudding. Quality meat, quality cooking and superb taste. Stellar work!

Auntie Nikki then starts playing hide-n-seek with Ayden and giggling commences bless him. Giggle-shots commence.


Note to wifey. Remember what Ayden is wearing? Ski-jumping rabbit on the back, from Petit Bateau. Yep, we got this for the ‘not-so-little-man’.

DOUBLE awwwwwwwww, handsome man you!

Then, in front of me, I espy one of our table-neighbours ordering what looks like a very small Guinness. Hold on a minute. That’s an Irish Coffee. I want, I want… I got, I got… DK want, DK want…

DK got, DK got, and I got, I got…

This is a class idea. 5 miniature desserts as a taster selection. That’s really clever Smugglers, and you have been doing this for a while right. Smart! But I heard one thing when the lady read the menu and my mind was set. 4 of these were ordered though.

The weird one inf the family, AKA yours truly bucks the trend for the sampler plate. I go hell for leather and deep into the Creme Brulee. You know me and Creme Brulee from I just can’t keep my hands of it. So when I hear that there is a Creme Brulee with Rice Pudding & Strawberry Jam, how could I refuse? And I was one very happy bunny to order this as this was so absolutely spectacular. Consistency of Chis Salans’ in Bali, with actual rice pudding at the bottom, just in case it wasn’t savoury creamy enough for you. Double good guys, great work. Yummo!

Lunch is done. Goodbyes are over. But one quick sit in the car, rev the bugger up and pose. Don’t forget I still have no license haha, so the car-park is the only place I can touch a bloody car. Too funny!

I like it a lot.

A few beers with brother at his local afterwards which was an ace 121 finish to the day. But now is the sad part. It’s goodbye time. Bath-time with Ayden. I think we got wetter than he did.

Hope to see you in January little man. Started to miss you as I left with Mummy. Be safe little man, and keep smiling. Mum/Dad be proud of that little chap, he is a darling.

After finishing a load of work on my last day in the UK it was time to disappear back to Singapore. Mum and Nikki kindly offered to drive me up to London. We had a quick pop in to see Ni and Yui. Such a cold day. But we bought some beautiful colour to them both with some loose roses and roses in pots to give some longevity. Lovely to see you gorgeous girl. You were lucky with Hydrangeas too. They’ll flower soon and will be stunning for you.

Sadly never got to meet this chap, but he is my brother all the same. Thinking of you both always.

Before they turn around it was time to feed Nikki and Mum, so quick lunch at my local in Putney, The Green Man, before we both exit our separate ways. It’s food time again.

Yeah nicely done Green Man. Roast Camembert studded with garlic and rosemary. Some scrummy gherkins too and really nice toasty bread for dipping. Yeah, this was really good.

Nikki and I both ordered this thinking it would be some snack-attack, not main dish size. Wow, we start to realise that we have definitely over-ordered on the grub as more and more gets placed on the table. But it is all so amazing looking, have to eat, food coma coming, sleep on the plane…. zzzzzzzzzz

Yes indeed, Scotch Egg with Black Pudding. Quality, pure quality! So crunchy and runny yolk to boot. Great work Green Man!!!

Last one for lunch for me. Yes, I am OD’ing on deep-fried, hey you only live once. But this was the blue cheese fritters. Rather nice indeed with fluffy potato, crunchy breadcrumbs and gooey blue cheese within. You can’t not like it right?

And that was that. I hugged and kissed my Mum and Sis, and I jumped in a cab for the last part of the trip on UK soil, off to Heathrow Terminal 3 to argue about my suitcase weight and 8Kg of meat contained within.

And that was that. Shoes off, seat set back, the film on, beer in hand… Bye-bye UK, be seeing you soon hopefully. Missing family and friends already… Love to you all.

And 18 hours later I am back in Singapore. The cases are unpacked. I have worked a full day straight after landing at 2130 (ouch) and in the evening the little man gets to try on his Xmas party suit I managed to buy him in England. Normal service has resumed haha. So happy to be home, whilst missing the UK in parallel.