Father’s Day 2020 – how lucky am i…
What a cracking day today was. Cards and presents in Singapore from the kids. Messages coming from the Philippines from the kids and family. A full-body-massage just for me. A wonderful lunch at the family favourite of Next Door Spanish Cafe (more of that on another blog on islifearecipe.net). Me, all me today. I even had an unwritten agreement with the kids that they will mandatory laugh at every Dad joke today. Just an absolutely superb day.
Happy Father’s Day to Ojichan in Japan and to Papang in the Philippines (always with us). Hoping you had a lovely day too.
Thank you to Wifey for ‘helping’ the kids and making this just special. After the few weeks I have had boy did this one come at the right time.
Here’s the day in the form of a photo or two. Father’s Day 2020 – how lucky am i…

How lovely is this card? But wait for me to fold it up. This is about 0830am, the little man was desperate to share this. Blown away…

Is that not genius or what? Amazing card. It even has real buttons for the shirt. I love it so very much. And this little one was so proud of what he had done. He really could not wait to share it with me. I love it!!!

Phase II then kicks in with more gifts and cards and messages. A lovely lunch ensues as well at the family favourite or Next Door Spanish Cafe. Check (apart from wifey) the Hawaiin themed shirts. AMAZING family thank you. Photo #1 is in memory of what we have been used to for the past 3 months…

And photo #2 is actually how we could be today. Just so very happy to have us back to some normality and to celebrate Dad Day too at same time = double special. Could not think of anyone else I’d rather be with than this crew, especially in those shirts… cough cough!!!

Amy needs to break wind by the looks of it and Jude Jude clearly has a beard fixation. Bring on the food. Oh yeah and a beer too – my ‘broken’ weekend after 86 days dry continues. Hey, I deserve it.

Card and pressies from Strawberry Blonde & #1. The words are private but mean such a lot from both. They know me so well. Stress with work has been overwhelming – so a joke notepad for it starting again tomorrow and a stress toy are perfect haha. I LOVE my gifts!!! By the way, I am copying the dog from the notebook…