I know I know so so sorry been so long, well saying that I think 23 blogs since the start of 2010 is not too bad going. Anyways some lovely family snaps here of the weekend just gone. More fun at the sailing club, very nice and great snaps of brother and sister having fun and then joined by Flynn and Noah – love that 3 wise monkey’s snap in the pool. Love the one of Amy getting a big dousing from her brother, ha ha – she LOVED it. The she went to the beach with Mary and came back with more sand in her happy than was on the actual beach. So Daddy had to dunk her a few times in the pool which she also loved, so much so that when Daddy stopped look at the outcome – oh dear Amy major tantrums – ha ha look at it “Daddy if I scream and pretend to cry, but look at you through my fingers do you think I’ll get sympathy and my own way?” – no sorry honey you won’t says I, “OK then so what if I lay on the floor and scream and pretend to cry, what about that then?” – no sorry honey you won’t says I. “Oh OK then you win, I’m going back to the beach for a coca-cola float with Mary!” Ha Ha, bless you Amy. Love the snaps of “Action Ollie” too, check the diving out, so high on one occassion his head got cut off, go Ollie! Also something about the lovely one of Amy, Ollie and Mary – just me though or does Amy look like something from the “Osbourne’s – a little female version of Ozzie maybe” ha ha. One day Amy I’ll show you what I mean re that!
Mum yes that is the hat you bought me for birthday, yes doesn’t she look wonderful. In the background is Ollie squeezing in to a pair of shorts a little too small for him now, wey hey go Ollie. Skin tight is the new look!
And yes Mum that is Ollie and I prawn fishing, but Mary had to be real quick to take the photo as Ollie “got bored” after about 30 seconds and went next door to Polliwogs with friends of ours kids and Amy of course. That left me and Geoff (prawn fishing virgin) Nicoll to hunt and gather for the family. I think I scored about 8-10 prawns to Geoff’s measly one, ha ha – good effort mate! So the Dad’s were sat fishing for food and having a few beers whilst the ladies and kids enjoyed a ball in Polliwogs, then 2 hours later prawns on BBQ, delicious then to Scruffys for Western fare and a couple of ciders – a lovely afternoon, thanks all!