Firstly let me get my self-gratfication out of the way and also to say a VERY big thank you to all of those that follow and read my ponderings and family life on my blog.
Friends/family/people – today you have all just taken me past;
17,000 hits
Can you believe it.
Just AMAZING, I never ever thought it would reach numbers anywhere near this!
And of course I never ever would not have done without you all!
Thank you!
Now enough about me and enough about my blog!
Wow ladies of the world, a big day for you all indeed – yes it
MOTHER’s DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well a big day depending on;
- Where you actually are – you ladies of the World – North or South Hemisphere,
- For this date it’s the Southern Hemisphere’s turn so;
Miz, my Naoko and my Mary – with all our love from Bri, Ollie and Amy xxxx,
- Miz we’ll be seeing you VERY soon for a slightly belated Mother’s Day dinner for you and Mary – yes?,
- And of course depending if actually you do indeed have kids of course – that is kind of important, is it not!
- But even if not your turn today, we wish every single one a very special day today from all us kids to all you lovely Mum’s out there across the globe.