Jude Jude’s 7th Birthday
Sorry for the delay in posting this one – let’s just say I had a few technical issues which were elongated due to my web designer ‘absence’. But we’re back it seems to the land of posting again, and what better way to start than with this one. A very special one. No party, as such, sadly due to Covid and what you can/can’t do/with how many. So it was family only today for his fun and celebrations.
Jude Jude’s 7th Birthday
We had him from the get-go as upon awakening he was secretly led out to see this little birthday ‘shrine’ with all his gifts and some funny/cute photos for him to look and laugh at too. He surely is a lucky 7-year-old today. Let’s have a look, shall we?

Check this out. I want the same for my birthday now haha!!!

A little zoom in to the funny ‘shopped’ photos. Here is Ultraman-Jude…

And here is KingKong Jude about to fight Godzilla. Wow, scary!!!

Presents arrived from all over the planet from the UK to this one from his Obachan & Ojichan in Japan. He is surely a lucky boy today.

Very focused at the job in hand…

A new watch and some Geode crystal rocks from Amy – wow!!!
CLICK HERE for a video montage of the lovely day today…
The link above is a must watch including; the surprise, un-wrapping, cake time, surprise of the Party Bus, Ultraman in the Party Bus and Birthday boy at Dragon Chamber. A snapshot of the whole day.

Yes, he is a very happy newly turned 7-year-old. Go, go, go Jude Jude get into those presents buddy. They’re not going to unwrap themselves.

I love this one. Gifts from the UK are coming thick and fast too, but they are Ultraman from Japan and come to Singapore. Now that’s what you call international presents haha.

He’s playing with all his new stuff constantly. Games are being made, action scenarios being acted out, he is drawing everything in his book, and even knows ALL THE MOVES of Ultraman – thank you to the family for making his day very special.

This is super-important to call out. He has been watching and watching this series of films from Ultraman called 6 Brothers. Count them, 6. But he has had a couple of missing figures of the same size for him to act out the films. Well, guess what…

This was monumental for this little 7-year-old to complete his collection and have ALL 6 Ultraman Brothers. This is a WOW moment for Jude Jude.

He is a very lucky boy indeed with plaster models to make and paint, crystals to find, time to tell, football to kick, many Ultrmen to play with and even a Godzilla and Pokemon in the mix too. Yes, that is an Airfix kit at the back – now renamed to TinyTanic as it takes Dad & Jude to use tweezers and a torch to build this as the pieces are SUPER tiny. Luckily it says 8+ years on the box, so we have plenty of time to build it.

A lovely day ensued and then another special treat was Party Bus to take us on our way to his chosen Birthday dinner location. You have to watch YouTube to get some inside footage of the journey – it even included Ultraman songs as we sped our way to dinner but the funny thing was I think Jude hit an overwhelm button on his body and he sort of sat the whole journey shell-shocked, bless. Oh yeah, and Mum sat facing forwards so she didn’t get car-sick.

What a great choice from Jude Jude. Back to one of his favourites, Dragon Chamber. Again, watch YouTube clip above for arrivals, secret entrances and smoking Birthday cakes…

Performing to his best is the Birthday boy. Taking a Popiah skin but turning himself into one hideous scary monster. None of us is sleeping well tonight now. Super-scary…

See what I mean – check out these Victorian Halloween costumes. OMG. Doubly super-scary now. Jude Jude you are a very naughty Birthday boy… Haha

OK, now you made Daddy laugh and Mummy cry.