Jude’s 1st Day in P1 @ St Stephen’s Boys School
It really is one of those parent moments when you just go, WOW!!! How did the baby become SIX, and now attending Jude’s 1st Day in P1 @ St Stephen’s Boys School? He is officially at big-school. OMG!!! Wife and I took him in and he took the school bus back on his own. He amazed me today being so into it, and just went with the flow. Non-fazed completely and actually just excited. We saw him in his new class for a bit, and then having his lunch in the canteen with his new ‘buddy’. He looked so very happy as you will see from the snaps.
Wife and I opted for the Parent chat after we dropped him off. I really wish I had declined due to work reasons. As I had to sit through nearly two hours of one person talking about how she parents her 4 kids and using a C.A.L.M approach to parenting. Also using DISC to segment our kid’s personas. Amaze-balls, as that is what Compass Group used as part of my 8-hour Psychometric Testing in their interview process. DISC process for 6-year-olds, really. Anyways, suffice to say, I will not be attending any St Stephen’s ‘parenting courses/seminars’ in the future. WOW!!! That was my learning at Jude’s 1st Day in P1 @ St Stephen’s Boys School. NEVER again!!!
And I say that C.A.L.M.ly. so as not to slip a DISC.
In fact, I got more value out of my mate Danny pinging me a message when he saw my Facebook post. “Mate, awesome! Good choice of school, Dylan is doing well and just went back today in P3.” Yeah, now that is the parenting advice I want!!!

Action shots, almost clothing magazine shots. ‘And here is this year’s top model, Jude Kennett, showing off St Stephen’s 2020 collection of school uniforms…’

Come on, it is a cool uniform. Sort of smart casual, Bermuda-stylee…

Such a handsome chap in his new uniform. Stepping out with a swagger!!!

Next in the queue to be signed in and join his class. I think wifey and I are more nervous than he is…

And he is in with new teachers and the parent support team. Blue t-shirt = teacher, and Green t-shirt = proud parent of a Stephonian, AKA S.P.A.R.K. – I am noticing that St Stephen’s like an acronym or 10.

No snoozing at the back of the class Jude Jude. Cool seat though, loving that desk.

Look at my little man. Daddy with bags under his eyes big enough to pack all our luggage needs for a week’s holiday to the Philippines. Love these 0600am wake-up calls for school. Not feeling C.A.L.M. I am feeling K.N.A.C.K.E.R.E.D.

So cute. The ice-breaker. Filling out a form all about yourself so you can share with the other kids. No different to being at work on a course Jude – tell everyone something that they won’t know about yourself… “I used to be Janet, and I was an Orc in Lord of the Rings!” is what I use, keeps them guessing…

“Where’s Wally?” sorry Jude. This is no Night Safari, you can see plenty of animals here…

Getting in with his allocated ‘Buddy’. One thing I did witness that really did make me laugh and took me back to the Boys to Not-Men photo of the young NS kid playing on his phone whilst the Helper carried his Burgen. Well, this little 6-year-old kid sat behind Jude was encouraged to finish his lunch and go back to class. His Mum was instructing him and was stood right next to me. The six-year-old got up, handed his dirty plate and cutlery to his ‘Buddy’ and walked off. Er, that is a ‘Buddy’, not a helper. Do it yourself and don’t listen to your Mum. I think the L of C.A.L.M. was ‘let go’. Do it!!!

Jude clearly ever so happy and singing the School Song over lunch to his ‘Buddy’.

Hydrating well. Good lad. I need a beer after C.A.L.M. session to help me C.A.L.M. down.

I love it. We’re behind this barrier as we are not allowed in with the kids. Literally like being at the Zoo at feeding time. But what was awesome was seeing him fit in immediately with the class, his new mates and his ‘Buddy’. They were all laughing and chatting whilst eating. That makes a very happy parent!!!

Teacher, sorry S.P.A.R.K. speech bubble; “Are you two going to be talking all day? You need to go back to your class, please. Everyone else has left already…”

Now that is seriously impressive!!! Sorry, I was actually referring to my wifey’s cute bum. But, the School is also extremely impressive and deceptively MASSIVE, which is very unlike wifey’s cute bum. HeHe.
And that was Jude’s 1st Day in P1 @ St Stephen’s Boys School. A brief foray for wifey and I into his new life for the next 6 years. I loved it. All the joking above aside, it is a quality school. You can just sense it. I think our little man is going to grow to a fine young man here. Can’t wait to see the transition and the learning of Jude. As their school mission says; ‘Enabling all Stephenians to learn how to learn and to learn how to live; empowering them to become men of integrity and men for others’. Jude – ENJOY!!!
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