Jude’s Birthday Present Trip to Legoland
Off we go on another adventure today. Back to Malaysia and back to Legoland. We have not been here for like 5 years. But Baby Jude has made a decision; “No birthday party Mum and Dad. I want to stay at Legoland Hotel!” Well OK then fella, let’s get on it. And so became Jude’s Birthday Present Trip to Legoland. So lucky we are to be with him too, as we all had a holiday on the back of his birthday – weeeeeeee!!!!!

Off we go today to Legoland including staying for one nighty in the hotel. Baby Jude’s choice for his birthday present was to not have a party, but have a wonderful weekend at Legoland. Seriously impressed with this Hotel – just brilliant. OK a couple of initial moans – check-in at 4pm but check-out 11am? Makes no sense!!! But so far we are LOVING it!!!

This is INCREDIBLE and my brother would go MENTAL for this. Behind the reception counter is this wall. 14,528 figurines if I remember rightly. Seriously DHKNY would go bananas if he saw this. There is even a lego figure on a bicycle going up and down, who’s wheels are magnifying glasses so you can see the figures better. It really is bonkers!!!

Junior dragon ride – Baby Jude manned up bless him. He nearly cried after turn one of the ride, and I had to hug him and tell him to close his eyes. He then said; “Hey Dad thanks for telling me to close my eyes, it really helped and I am fine now!” Amaze-balls.

BeBe was wth us too. So lovely to have her with us – big family time. I think she had blast. Another day tomorrow too. Weeee – bring it on.

OK knees wobble on the ‘big-boy’ Dragon ride so he had a sit-down with Mum and BeBe as Ollie, Amy and I tackled the beast. I had to sit next to a SCREAMING Amy – ha ha! Have a watch of the video if you have some time. Bloody funny!

Nice piccy Mum and Jude – awwww so cute!

Oh no Jude and Amy found this poor old man sleeping and snoring on the bench. Let him sleep Jude and Amy, that could be Daddy one day soon.

The King & Queen of Legoland. Serious faces you too.

Myself and the gang. Clearly our Philippines contingent had stopped talking as Mary was able to take a photo. Ha Ha. Jesus look at the size of Ollie. These rides are not designed for that frame.

LegoNinjaGo next – an incredible new ride in Legoland – like incredible. It’s like a Ninja Dojo with all this cool stuff within it, and then a 4D ride where you are interacting with bad guys through hand gestures and scoring points. Bloody brilliant!!!

Look at my little Ninja go. Loving this place he is.

Ninja Jude. Whoa, scary!!!

Dino Island – this is one hell of a ride. It says you ‘might get wet’. Er make that statement more like ‘you will walk off this ride like you have walked in to the shower fully clothed!’ Yeah that is more like it. Ollie, Amy, Bebe and I went on this together and OMG did we get wet. He we are going up the ramp. Nearly there now….

This is like a 15m high drop – it is fast and furious. Check those faces out. This is a crazy ride. I have never got so wet on a ride – seriously nuts ride. Love it!!!

Yep we are so so so so so wet and trying to now dry out all our electronics. So wet. It is a NUTS ride this one. Just love it. Must do this again tomorrow.

Pirates of a small pond in Legoland. Not sure what Jude is thinking/saying. These ‘models’ are just off the charts. One little house takes 100 hours. The entire park took THREEE years. Did you know the name ‘LEGO’ is an abbreviation of the two Danish words “leg godt”, meaning “play well”. Also the LEGO Group was founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen, and originally started building wooden toys.

Angkor Wat made from lego blocks. This is insane. The detail on this is just off the charts. I really cannot believe how good this representation is of Angkor Wat is. Bonkers good!!!

I think Jude was seriously impressed too. It is mind-blowing how good this!!!

Filipina Helicopter???

The Filipina contingent take a Legoland trip to Singapore. Er girls – we live there!!! Do some travel!!!

There we go – off goes BeBe to China next and Beijing to The Emperor’s Palace – again off the charts representation of this most amazing construction.

Temples galore. Not BeBe, the Lego.

Yep I am loving this stuff. Come on. Everything on every floor is designed to the room you have booked. Jude chose Pirate. Hey presto. It is Pirate stuff everywhere, from wall paintings, doors, carpets, cannonball window holes the lot. You name it. Bloody brilliant!!!

Now that is one bloody cool bed for tonight’s sleep needs. Clearly the pirate in Jude is coming out too. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Seriously check this out. So we have a monster double bed. Two, yes TWO bunk-beds with third bed pull out. So all up we can squeeze 8-9 in here. Only down-side is single bathroom. But I have to say the room is seriously impressive! Well done Legoland!!!

This is just genius. We’re in the Pirate room. So let’s give the kids a treasure chest. Literally behind Amy. A sheet of paper is hidden that has clues. eg; “How many orange starfish in the room?” The kids go crazy in this running round and round the room. Once thy have ‘four numbers’ from their research they have to enter it on a padlock and open the chest. If it is correct they get the booty and seriously check the booty out – bloody brilliant way to start the fun in your new hotel room. WOW!!!

Off for some dinner in the hotel. We went Italian @ Di Mattoni. Nice staff in there. Food looked OK, but sad to say I had a really bad experience of my dishes. A piece of glass or stiff plastic in one, and then a lump of grit that nearly broke a tooth in my main. Not impressed by that at all. Ninja mural on back wall is impressive – it has a pallet of tiles that the kids put lego blocks on one square at a time, whilst parents sit, eat, drink and chat. A great bit if entertainment for the kids and something that looks amazing to boot.

An amazing clean kitchen, with big windows for looking jn. I love kitchens like this. Shiny clean. So I am even more surprised re what was in my food – the lucky winner of two additional gifts. I’ll share some food snaps – but I don’t think I’ll be rushing back.

Chicken balls with Salad – oh yeah and glass/plastic.

Mary had smoked mackerel, octopus, and smoked salmon salad. She said it was really really good. Added bonus was no glass.

However the Italian Margarita was damned good. Like a normal Margarita, but with added butterscotch sauce. What that has to do with Italy I don’t know, but it was really good.

Amy really enjoyed her beef Bolognese. Does look rather good, it has to be said.

Anyways family Kennett still had a nice meal together as a family. Happy birthday present for Jude Jude. A lovely lovely day, night and one more to come tomorrow.

Sorry Chef/Cooks – but this was my dish with the big lump of grit in it. Sort of ruined it for me completely. The second dish in a row for me. I ate the tomato but that was enough!!! Sad to say!!! Thanks to the staff for giving us extra food, but it was too late then – I didn’t want any more. Enough was enough!!!
And we are off for day #2 of Jude’s Birthday Present Trip to Legoland. Legoland Hotel, I tell you, turn down your aircon. You’d save yourself a fortune, and have much happier campers to boot. It’s not chilly, it’s bloody freezing – seriously. Let’s get outside ASAP. So off to the water park first thing after breakfast. We plan to spend the morning there, then some lunch, then normal park in the afternoon before our driver picks us up at 1700.

Here’s the lazy river – so cool with Lego Blocks floating around. You can make rafts with these and float about. Yes very cool indeed.

This place is brilliant, just brilliant and its massive to boot. This is just one of the kids playgrounds in here. It’s a monster. So many slides and interactive things to do. But that yellow and red one you can see in the distance is catching my eye too.

And in we go – lazy river for the first thing on the itinerary.

Me and my big brother – chilling out. V-sign, V-sign.

Bring on the slides says Amy.

It’s a brother v brother home derby race!!!

Amy is in there somewhere…? Putting on weight Amy-Boo??? That is one big splash!!!

OK OK not as big as Ollie and Jude’s splash! Wow I think the park needs to order in some more water!!!

Believe it or not, I was there too. Me and Wifey chilling out in the wave pool. Very nice!


From the top of a monster water ride. So ‘find Mary’.

That’s the water park done. Shower time, lunch and then LegoLand park to finish off the day. Jude bumped in this guy. Jude asked him how how old he was and the pirate said “Arrrrrrrrrr Matey!”

Final few now as the day is fast closing in on us. BeBe and Jude outside this rather cool ride. It’s a roller coaster that you wear VR goggles on. It’s just bonkers!!! So clever.

BeBe and Jude fun again with the much photo’d Lego octopus.

Wifey and Jude clearly have put on way too much under-arm deodorant this morning!

OK he was too small to ride the real thing, but hey this is good enough. WEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Ollie again demonstrating how much he does need a decent haircut!!!

“I am 6 ride” we call this one. Captain Jude loved this one, so much so that he literally climbed through the barriers to have another go immediately after this stopped. VERY cool ride, albeit very short! We even had to hand signal Amy when to steer outwards to get the speed up! Cool as.

Baby, Sharky Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo, Baby Sharky Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo, Baby Shark!!!

Our Filipinas in Legoland Philippines and clearly very proud of it. This is some place in Luzon I think…?

This is one big big big Lego building – Petronas Towers. Makes even Ollie look teenie weenie.

Our last photo – “So kids, pop quiz. What is the tallest Lego construction in the park?” “Er Dad……” they said.
We even bumped in to our mates Kaj Kaj and Jak Jak with their Dad, Jorgen. Small worlds huh!!!
And now click HERE to watch a video of our fun over both days.