Jurong Bird Park ‘the return’ Oct’20
Another of those – what shall we do this weekend moments – was upon us Friday evening over dinner. The SEA Aquarium visit went down well last week. It was a close 1st choice last weekend over Jurong Bird Park, so that became the choice today. And very importantly Dave needs a wife as he is now 23-years-old – read on… The weather looked OK’ish. We were off for lunch 1st at Timbre+, and have a read of that amazing lunch as islifearecipe.net.
BUT, like a few years ago, the weather Gods were NOT in our favour and it just opened. We had massive thunder and lightning as well and had to take shelter twice. We had flooding. We had one umbrella between the four of us. We were soaked. Yucks. But still…
Much more video than photos today, but I did sneak in a couple. The trouble we had was the bloody storm. All the birds literally shit themselves and went into hiding. All huddled up under branches and leaves in the corners of their habitats. It became a bit more of a tropical rainforest trip, including the heavy rain (did I mention the weather yet?). So not to many brightly coloured amazing bird snaps. My favourite photo today is actually the Cassowary in a mud pool. A mud pool created by the excessive rain today. Did I mention we had two massive thunder, lightning and rainstorms today? Same as our last trip here? Did I mention that?
Jurong Bird Park ‘the return’ Oct’20

Dave and his BFF Jude Jude on board the tram and about to do some Bird Tinder and try to find Dave a wifey. Jude Jude has set his sights high for his BFF, she needs to be knockout. Let’s see how this goes – read on…

Clearly, a very anxious bird to be called a Cassowary. Don’t worry, be happy!!! Cassohappy, so much better. No question that dinosaurs were the early birds, look at this thing. Also looks like he has been to the Indian Holi Festival bless him.

And then this happened. Cracked me up. He was preening his feathers and then literally just dropped into the muddy pool for a ‘bath’. Just brilliant to watch him do this. Cracked me up. Cassomuddy.

Spooky tunnel to go see the Lory’s and on the way the tallest eagle on the planet. Any ideas where that is from? I’ll give you a clue – Wifey… Yep, The Philippines Eagle is the tallest – it’s like 3-4′ tall. It is immense.

100′ waterfall. Yeah, like we need more water falling today. I kid you not we did not see one bird in this habitat as they were all hiding from the thunder lightning and heavy rainfall. Today we should have changed the name to Jurong Park. We saw some lovely trees.

See what I mean? Lightning and rain shelter time. And the funniest thing was this shelter had holes in the bloody roof so was leaking water all over the place. Well, as they say, it never rains it pours haha!!!

But my little match-maker. My little human Tinder did his job today. Dave got a wife and they could not stop kissing. We welcome to the family Nave. Yes, this is Dave and Nave. Husband and wife. We have to go back in 9 months to Jurong Bird Park to get a baby, so said Jude Jude…
Rain does clearly not stop play for family Kennett. We battled on. We felt like wetland birds AKA drowned rats at times. But we soldiered on. We visited 2 new things today in Bird Park as they were indoors and actually on was pretty amazing – the Breeding & Research Centre was awesome with loads of eggs hatching and chicks from like one to 4 months old all growing up at varying stages. That was such a cool place and so lovely and dry too. Jurong Bird Park ‘the return’ Oct’20 was still a great family fun day out despite the bloody weather. Well done kids for keeping it real. We surely did have fun and did – ENJOY!!!
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