Lazarus Island Beach Clean
Lazarus Island Beach Clean was an amazing day. Organised by DJ with sniper-fire precision. Check out the official site here. 33 of us rocked up at Marina Pier this morning – DJ prepared sandwiches, loads of water, a few beers, loads of tongs, gloves and black plastic bags later – oh yeah and a boat. We land at St John’s Island, walk across to Lazarus Island and start to good.
What was the good? Nearly 1/2 tonne of shit cleared from the beach good.
Lazarus Island Beach Clean – DJ you deserve a medal matey!
That is what we did today. Superb work from all. Great camaraderie. Great teaming. And in fact great fun. We worked hard. We were sunburnt. We were bitten by many types of ants. We were cut. We were stabbed by prickly plants. But we won. We sure cleared some shit up this day as you will see. Come on Singapore why does it take 33 of us to clear the shit from the beaches you should be proud of maintaining. Seriously folks St John’s and Lazarus are beautiful – in fact even more so now with 1/2 of crap removed from them. I found light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, a matching pair of socks, 3 ping pong balls, a shuttlecock, a fridge and shit loads of polystyrene and PET bottles. Like shitty bag loads.
The gang of 33 today made a difference. We had fun making that difference and I am proud to say I was part of it. Lets have some pictures now of the day – a day of Lazarus Island Beach Clean.

We have arrived – empty bags only at this time. Split in to teams of 4, allocate the beach in half and lets get fossicking….

I tell you what this doesn’t look half bad right – later in the day full of charter boats, and people on the beach – they were relaxing, we were working!!!

Luckily not too sunny today, well until a little later. Seriously how beautiful is this place – its stunning!!!

IN come the tourists – those for whom we had been clearing the beach for – and the other non-human wildlife of course

And we’re done – back to base camp for DJ’s freshly made sandwiches and a much needed beer. DJ far left – you deserve a medal buddy!!!

Steve literally surrounded by bags and bags of shit we discard in to the ocean on a daily basis – 3 hours, 1/2 tonne – shame on us!!!

Happy Campers – what a team!!! Very proud to be with you all today – we had fun and did some good!!!

See you again soon Lazarus – maybe next time with no bin liners!!!

Nearly home now – well hello Singapore. You should be proud of the 33!!!