I just wanted to share with you some random photos of the kids enjoying their Singaporean lifestyle, so not linked to any specific dates/times purely random – but I’ll give a little explanation to them all one by one.
So here is #1 Son down the beach, in fact there’s a few here from yesterday, 15th November. Here he is stood out on a groin with the just about coming on ship lights as it gets darker. Now the V-signs is a very mummy thing as all Ni’s photos when she was a kid were like this – he’s showing his Japanese side here, bless!

And the final one – great friends Maia and Amy poolside. They stood here for so long just splashing, screaming, jumping – oh yes and then splashing, screaming and jumping and then finally splashing, screaming and jumping – ha ha! They got absolutely SOAKED, good job we’d packed about 3 lot’s of spare clothes.