Again this is another split blog as I bought a new toy which I used at Little Gina’s birthday, so sorry scroll down when you finish this and click on “is life a recipe” and check out the food experience at Little Gina’s birthday party.
A great day out in the beautiful Botanical Gardens of Singapore. We were there early, laden with eski, cooking stuff, food, kids ha ha. A BOILING hot and humid day, so as we were first on the scene our job was to find a nice cool, shaded spot. Not that easy when some of the girls on their day off literally sleepover night in the gazebos in the Gardens to reserve them the next day. They’re like Mayfair on the Monopoly Board, prime real estate.
So we settled for under a tree. Nice and cool and very picnic like with that edge of Enid Blyton, “The Famous Five” adventure type thing. Plus alcohol!

“You say that it’s cool here Dad, but MAN it’s hot” – says Amy.
Hey look Dad if I get really close to the camera, my head looks massive (but still VERY handsome Ollie!)
Ahhhhhhhhh lazy days says Mary, fun with friends.
You know what Mary, I think I’ll do the same and just sit here against this tree and relax. Mental note to self next time, don’t wear all white when sitting on the ground and leaning against a tree. It was not all white later on.
But what’s this kids, you’re not hot now, you want to run around – how on earth do they do it? It took me a major amount of effort just to get up, stand and take this video clip, let alone running around loony tunes style. And yes I got the “Daddy look I am sweating like a pig!” – guess who said that, hmmmmm!
Our usual gaggle of friends showed up (late), so we had to disappear quite early as we had to get home to bed the kids for school next day. And clearly because they were late, they were a little embarrassed and shy as you can see! COUGH!
But yes wine, champagne, beers, amazing foods, laughs, music, dancing and well just FUN. But some boredom awaiting the taxi that got majorly lost, so let’s get that camera out again please Dad.

Happy birthday Gina and the guys – it was actually a 3x birthday celebration. A lovely day thanks!