Malacca CNY 2020 – six years later, day #2
It’s day #2 of our adventure. 1st day CNY over and we hear that all is re-opening today for normal food and shopping and tourism. We have a nice lay-in and pop down to breakfast. Holy shit Hatten, you weren’t expecting those numbers for breakfast service now, were you? Huge queues, no food, staff not able to cope, coffee machines giving up etc. Anyways we sat and grazed with what was on offer and planned our day today. Malacca CNY 2020 – six years later, day #2 was to be one of exploring the city. So breakfast over we dashed downstairs to get the free shuttle bus to take us to Jonkers Walk area. Let the games commence.

Dabbing on the bus. Yes, the traffic was intense today, it being the 1st proper ‘open day’ after CNY. We even stopped the driver and asked to get out and walk, and yes it was way quicker to do so. Didn’t seem to impact Jude though right?

My intrepid explorers today. Ready for adventure, history and knowledge. Wifey decides to wear the new Philippines FC supporters outfit.
It’s a long video to watch but it does show you the streets of Malacca, River tours and the like. Well worth the watch.

It is blistering heat today and these boys are out in force. The modern-day Rickshaw. Gaudy and noisy? Absolutely. That’s the charm. But they are really only 2-seaters so no good for us. Wait until you watch the night-time video to see them really come to life. So funny.

At the top of the hill now where the very old Church of St Paul rests. In front of me are the Straits of Malacca. Safe harbour caused Malacca to blossom and grow and become something of a catch for the Europeans back in the day. Read on folks…
Daddy-Pedia time; It’s sort of the unofficial historic capital of Malaysia having been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2008. We love it because it is also home to a smorgasbord of great food from Nyonya to Peranakan – it is QUALITY fun for foodie explorers.
In the late 14th century, Malacca was a fishing village. A fleeing Prince from Sumatra, a bloke called Parameswara landed on Malacca’s shores, founded the city and turned it into a rather lovely port for waiting out monsoons and re-supplying ships that were up and down the strategic Straits of Malacca. Has a similar ring to Singapore right, and yes indeed it is VERY similar in historical terms. Due to its strategic location between China and India, Malacca came to monopolize the trading routes and in 1405 Malacca forged an alliance with the Ming Emperor to protect against Siamese invaders. Chinese settlers married local Malays creating the Baba Nyonya peoples. And with that comes fusion food folks. More of that later in Malacca CNY 2020 – six years later, day #2 and other blogs from this trip.
Malacca was attacked by the Portuguese in 1511, and the invader missionaries strove to implant Catholicism within the state and Malacca’s popularity dwindled as Muslim merchants began to steer clear of the port. Malacca’s reputation increased again in 1641 when it passed into Dutch hands for 150 years and later the British assumed control for a short time, further lending to its mix of cultural influences.

Is this boy hipster or what? This is the Portuguese guy that invaded in 1511. Mr Albuquerque. Afonso explained to his armies why the Portuguese wanted to capture Malacca:
“The King of Portugal has often commanded me to go to the Straits, because…this was the best place to intercept the trade which the Moslems…carry on in these parts. So it was to do Our Lord’s service that we were brought here; by taking Malacca, we would close the Straits so that never again would the Moslems be able to bring their spices by this route…. I am very sure that, if this Malacca trade is taken out of their hands, Cairo and Mecca will be completely lost.” You gotta love religion, NOT! His 3-line strategy on behalf of Portugal was; combating Islam, spreading Christianity, and securing the trade of spices by establishing a Portuguese Asian empire.

So back in 1511, he fortified the Kampong state of Malacca to protect against the Moslem Infidel and pushed to have more Catholicism in them thar woods. So A Famosa was built which is the fort of which remnants still exist today. The Church of St Paul was constructed on the hilltop. You also have the Church of St Francis Xavier, The Portuguese Settlement, Stadthuys etc. The only bloke missing is Sir Stamford Raffles.

Here is the family in The Church of St Paul. It’s old and weathered but whispers its history to you.

Tomb-stones have been relocated to within the Church itself. My limited Latin, Spanish and Dutch were able to give me a rough idea, then Amy pointed out that there were plaques with the translation on them. Duh!!! Many of these were, of course, visiting dignitary, traders, sailors that passed away whilst overseas from disease and the like. This guy popped his clogs in 1626, or as I say in Singapore at 26 minutes past 4 in the afternoon.

This is bloody spooky. I saw this. tombstone and wanted to take a snap of the heraldry carvings. And then this ghostly shadow appeared. With the naked eye, you cannot see this, only with the camera. There was sun behind me and a tree that was casting shadows, but see how the shadows stop before the base of the tombstone and don’t carry on up like normal shadows. Double spooky. Is it just me or does the shadow look a little like the shadow of…

Talking of spooky. No comment… JC

Beautiful. Massively thick walls. You actually walk in the church and feel the temperature drop like 10 degrees, and not just because of the shade. It really is a beautiful building. I do miss history sometimes in Singapore. Well we do have Gardens By The Bay…

Saint Paul’s Church is a very old boy being originally built in 1521, which actually makes it the oldest church building in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. How do like those apples? Like Elton John sung; “I’m still standing…”

Again no comment… Other than I wonder what those 6 large holes were for on either side of the window. Post holes for some use or other. I wonder if I can research? JC what you think? Also whilst talking of holes, there is a bloody big one in the centre of the church in one of the apses that no one can explain what it is for it seems. Today, it is covered by a cage. Interesting!!!

OK time to get some artsy snaps with some of the features on my AOS haha. Fish-eye lens time…

The roof is gone, I assume because it was wooden originally. Still a formidable building for something built so long ago.

Artsy fartsy. Indulge me!!!

Quite a dramatic photo right…?

A little like the plane from Madagascar. It does have a history though and is a real aircraft that flew the President around or some other dignitaries. You pay RM5 and you can go inside and find out a little more about it.

But before that Strawberry Bl0nde proves that she could indeed swallow a whole cannonball. Daddy-Pedia – did you know the first cannonballs were in fact made from stone?

Jude Jude at the firing end looking so happy. Well, happier than I at the receiving end. One is cannon fodder…

“This is your Captain speaking. My name is Jude Jude and my Co-Pilots are Daddy and Oily. We’ll be taking off shortly once I have time to watch a quick YuoTube Masterclass on how to fly this plane. We’ll be cruising, but at this time I have no idea what height that will be at. Snacks will be served by our senior Hostess, Strawberry Blonde. Enjoy the flight as much as you can. I am a little scared so will have my eyes closed the whole time. In the event of an emergency please follow me as I will be first off the plane. Have fun!!!” said Captain Jude.

Co-Pilot Daddy taking this flying gig with a pinch of salt. Believe me, though this cockpit ain’t built for anyone over Jude’s size. Getting into this seat was like a video of a reverse-birth.

It took me that long to get in the seat the passengers had had enough already.

Every passenger seems to have used the parachutes. I wonder why? Maybe the crew?

We worry about Corona Virus, I wonder we all caught from these bloody hats today…? Looking like 2 little Tom Cruises in ‘Made In America’.

Here is the food action street. This is Jonkers Walk. Every Saturday the road is shut and it turns into a street market selling all and sundry and street food galore from all over the World as well as local favourites. During the day it is still super busy with the bigger restaurants being jammed with tourists wanting the local Peranakan and Nyonya fair. And we are 5 of them hungry for more tourists – right about now!!!

Here is where we got our Malacca foodie fix today. Famosa Chicken Rice Ball. As always it was packed on Jonkers Walk so we were asked to go to their side street joint. I have no issue with that as that is actually where we went six years ago, as you will see…

Gets my vote, maybe not the chicken’s though…

Strawberry Blonde six years ago…

Strawberry blonde today… Spot the difference? Yeap, no pimple six years ago!!!

Six years ago and one table apart from where we sat today.

Six years later. Spot the difference? #1 has grown about 10′ and we also have a Jude Jude.

And we come for this. This little ball of chicken rice. Daddy-pedia; The story goes that these were made by an uncle who was working hard and found it too hard to eat normal rice by hand so crafted his lunch into balls to make it easier to eat as he worked. So basically these are in-between normal chicken rice and congee consistency. The traditional way is to then use wet hands to mould them into balls – but due to popular demand, there are those that use an ice-cream scoop, or even machinery now, which is sad. I found a fingernail in mine so assume these are still done by hand here (joking by the way!)

Our last trip to Malacca and Jude Jude looked like this bless him!!!

And here it is six years later. Just a slight difference from his first and second trip to Malacca.

It was crazy CNY time here. Absolutely packed wherever you go. All because of these fluffy little critters.

I had to walk to the ATM and spotted these on the road as I walked back. It took me a minute and then realisation dawned. Of course, these are the market stall numberings for tonight. Each number is the designated space for a stall. I wonder how much was one is?

Jonkers Walk looking a little calm in comparison to later tonight…

We’ll be on that little boat soon. The river cruise. Very similar to bumboat rides in Singapore, looking at old shop-houses along the river that have been given the grant to have graffiti (tasteful) all over them. It’s a cool little trip for the kids.

Six years ago when we tried to escape the haze (thanks Indonesia) by driving to Malacca, and the wind changed and blew all the shite up to us. Yes this was really shitty. No mask for Corona this trip, it was this thick nasty haze.

And here it is today. Minus the water-wheel for some reason. A slight difference in weather and air conditions right?

Arrrrrrrrrrr me hearties or is that arties…? It’s Pirate Ship time for my crew.

“I only asked where the loo is mate, no need to be rude with your hand-signalling!!!” I said.

“I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat!” said Jude Jude and Strawberry Blonde

Jude doing his best pirate. Amy does it best at home when she is on our IP TV box from China. It’s a Corona Box.

Selfie with my BFF, Jude Jude before we all aboard the Sky Lark for our river cruise.

River cruise done (you need to watch the video for some footage of that) and it is dinner time. We decide to hit Western and go to Hard Rock Cafe nicely sat on the river to watch the world go by and get a much need libation. Jude Jude choice and guaranteed aircon. So we sat outside instead haha!!! Jude Jude with the V.

Jude Jude with another V from Daddy.

My Mum joined us as an 11-year-old girl.

Mum last time she was here in Singapore. Getting Henna on her hand, exactly as Amy was asking RIGHT NOW. Twins separated by about 60 years only!!!

A very proud 1st boat-owner.

And here we are at night with the road closed in the, now, absolutely-bloody-hectic Jonkers Walk. It’s market time folks. Watch the video and you’ll get an idea of how manic this place actually is on a Saturday. Let’s have a few more photos of ‘the crazy’…

Mayhem #1

Mayhem #2

Mayhem #3

Mayhem #4

Mayhem #5
And that was that my friends, Malacca CNY 2020, six years later, day #2. What a quality day it was. So great to be back and revisit all the things we did SIX years ago. Still cannot believe it has taken us that long to get back here, crazy really. But what an absolute cracker today was. We squeezed so much in, on what was an absolutely scorching day. Tourist stuff. Shopping. Eating. Laughing. Chatting. Learning. Boats, ships, planes, rickshaws, trains, no Grabs and lots of walking. It was a classy classy day. Thanks, Malacca we promise it won’t be so long before we come next time to – ENJOY!!!
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