Malacca CNY 2020 – six years later, day #3
Malacca CNY 2020 – six years later, day #3 is our second to last day. One more sleep. We decided today was a day of a lay-in and some shopping. Yes, we hit the malls. Well, you have to right? To give you an example. In one shop we bought 2 pairs of ladies shorts, 2 pairs of ladies skorts, and 4 fat-man rather groovy and hipster Hawaiin shirts. That came to . just about $100. Yes, we HAD TO go shopping. We grabbed the free shuttle bus from our gaff at Hatten Place to its sister hotel, The Hatten and got cracking.
We decided on dinner tonight already. We were off, at a recommendation, to a place we can see from our hotel room. The Portuguese Settlement. Very similar to Seafood Centr on East Coast Singapore, this place is a series of VERY competitive restaurants sat in front of a rather large Kampong. Most of the families serving there are 3rd generation Portuguese, and some the outcome of Peranakan mix with the Malay locals – remember my Daddy-pedia…? Here comes Malacca CNY 2020 – six years later, day #3.
I also will not be doing a Malacca CNY 2020 – six years later, day #4 blog. As 8 hours on a fucking coach would be boring news to read right? Nearly an hour of which was us sat at Malaysia customs in JB waiting for some dickhead Angmo to get on the coach, who we find out later had got on the wrong coach and was already in Singapore. Yeah, cheers for that knob-end. Mind you I did get about 6 episodes of Billions under my belt whilst quaffing a couple of cold tinnies, every cloud has a …
Also, most of our foodie experience this day at Dragon-i and The Portuguese Settlement will be on

Much better for brekkie today, but I did have to demand that the girl sit us here. Comfy seat time and time for me to crack on and get some blogging done. WAY behind on that score, whoopsy! Wifey having a great time clearly…

OMG. So into kids section of H&M, we go, and Jude Jude spots these “girls’ boots and decides to do cat-walk poses. #1 they are on the wrong feet as in left and right, #2 they are on the wrong feet as in THEY ARE GIRLS BOOTS Jude Jude… No matter how cute you look!!!

He then finds just the perfect mask for himself… That’s a keeper my little monkey!!!

For some reason, he then wanted a photo next to one of #1’s flip flops… Weird.

It’s a monster family lunch at Dragon-i today – yummy Malay Chinese food, as in VERY yummy

Wifey getting in the mood by trying on the ‘free’ hat I just got her. Yes, it was free, as in buy one get one free. A True Religion cap for free, yeap I’ll take that… Well, Wifey did.

Jude Jude’s new BFF. A 3′ tall Ultraman. Pretty bloody cool actually with lights and speech. Well, it was until Jude dropped it and decided to behead him the next day. He’s putting him to bed for a rest here as we’re off to dinner now.
OK., shopping is done. Let’s hit that local food experience at The Portuguese Settlement. It was literally like vultures around a fresh carcass when we rocked up in the taxi, so we let the taxi Aunty choose her favourite stall. We think she might have driven around the back and started cooking as clearly she has some allegiance to these guys. Might be marrieds to the owner haha… Anyways she surely did clear the vultures away from us which was ACE And we had a great seat right near the water’s edge and met the owner – 3rd generation Portuguese.

Me liking this a lot. 1-10 of stalls. All doing pretty much the same style dishes to be honest, so a little Hobson’s Choice. All were busy too so none really stood out as the MUST go to. Pick a favourite colour perhaps… We ended up at #3. Great seats though, as the sea is where I am standing.
I then gave the camera to Strawberry Blonde as she wanted to do some Pro-shots… Here come Amy’s Artsy-Pants Photos…

Amy’s Artsy-Pants Photos #1 = TREE

Amy’s Artsy-Pants Photos #2 = BEACH

Amy’s Artsy-Pants Photos #3 = OUR HOTEL INCLUDING SKY-PARK

Amy’s Artsy-Pants Photos #4 = TREE + HOTEL

Amy’s Artsy-Pants Photos #5 = CLOUDS +HOTEL + NO TREE

Amy’s Artsy-Pants Photos #6 = CLOUDS + NO HOTEL + NO TREE

Strawberry Blonde and I destroyed the Butter Prawns. I will say this in all honesty on behalf of Strawberry Blonde and me – BEST PRAWNS EVER CONSUMED!!!

Wifey, me, a new hat, last night… Great meal. Watch that video for singing Dad – it’s ‘Hey Jude’ DaddyLacca style…

My Mum joins us again for dinner this time, still 60+ years younger… HaHa!!! Go the Strawberry Blondes…

On the menu, it said Portuguese Baked Crab. What arrived was a Portuguese version of Sambal. It was FUCK ME SPICY HOT. It could strip the paint off your car and would make your dog’s tail fall off if he got anywhere near it. The guys did a sterling effort to polish off two crabs in this sauce. I want to be nowhere near their toilets later tonight… Sorry, Malacca!!!

Wifey at the top of the Malacca world – cool date-night at Hatten Place Sky-Park. A nice last night thanks to the kids.

Yes, a few beers and wines in at half-past midnight and we find a green screen photo wall on the ground floor. Answers on a postcard to what the background could be…
Malacca CNY 2020 – six years later, day #3 was a tiring but fun day. We walked away with the need for a new suitcase or two with the shopping we now have. We need a new stomach or 5 as well as we packed it away today as you’ll see on Today is the last night, one more sleep and we are off back to The Red Dot. This little trip has been a wonderful re-visit. Again, I can’t believe we have left it for six years, and I guarantee we will be back sooner next time. Especially when we need to top up the wardrobes. Malacca you looked after us very well. You entertained us. You fed us. You taught us. You clothed us. You were the perfect host. Folks copy us. It was great. Get on a coach and – ENJOY!!!
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