Mary’s brother lives about 2 hours flight away in Brunei, sort of “in” Malaysia and one of the world’s richest countries. He took some leave and came to stay with us.
Despite leaving him at the airport for an hour on his own walking around (Mary got the times of the arrival wrong!) he was still in high spirits to be in SIngapore for time #1 and to see his sister of course.
Usual style of sharing with Ollie, with Marlon on the bottom of the bunk bed, and Ollie on top.
We did some nice site seeing;
We took him day #1 to see the Flyer and of course get a great view of Singapore, where we live etc. See separate blog for that, as it’s been a while and a lot has changed so I will do an update for you.

We found a shop after the Flyer that had a dark room to show off the fluorescent stuff, so there was a curtain to block the light. But of course Amy has other ideas in that “it looks like hair Daddy!” And here she is.
We fed the Koi Carp.
Also whilst at the Flyer, we took him for a Fish Foot Spa, something a little different for him.

We went for walks along the river. This is literally 5 minutes walk from our condo to “Gardens on the Bay”, a lovely place to chill with the kids, take the bikes/scooters – here we were having bike races, these two re are Cyclopaths!
We were invited to a birthday/wedding anniversary at our friends condo.
BUT I think the highlight for Marlon was a trip to Universal Studios. A virgin on roller coasters and of course with Ollie and I a couple of loonies that will go on rides time and time again! Poor guy, he did eventually give up after one go on Battlestar Galactica.

We even got him to come of the Madagascar Merry-go-Round with the kids.
Return of the Mummy, I think Marlon really liked this one. It’s in the dark so a real giggle as you have no idea what is coming next – up/down/left/right – no idea!
Mary doing some moonlighting holding up the architecture – “lending some support?”
As you see from behind us, Battlestar Galactica is quite an awesome looking site, two rides – Cylon and Human that come very close to each other. Supposed to be like space ships fighting each other. Phewy! You really do get wobbly legs after this ride!

Some arty shots, where literally I am laying on the floor taking pictures up to get everyone in the photo. Beautiful shots, and you get the whole castle in the background this way. Mary got the hang of this too, as you’ll see from the ones I am in. This is Far Far Away, so Shrek and all that. Not sure where Ollie was this time though??
However we did do one more ride after that, that we had saved our Express pass for – Transformers. OH MY GOD! You simply have to come to Singapore and go on this ride, it’s like a 4D experience, you are IN the Transformers film, just incredible! It really is worth entrance fee just to come for this, but get Express pass as the queue is like 2 hours if not!

And goodbye’s to Universal for Marlon’s first trip.
Of course saying goodbye to a grown person wearing a female cartoon woodpecker suit may seem strange to most, but only in Universal Studios do you feel “comfortable” doing that in front of many many people! Well Mary and Amy do, ha ha!
Thanks for coming Marlon, it was a pleasure to have you here with us and really good fun. We all hope you could do it again some time in the near future.