OK a little out of order of the event happening, but hey you’ll get the plot. New Years Eve to follow this when I get time to upload and write.
So my baby girl has her first day at her new school, her first “big school”. A wonderful place called Schoolhouse by the Bay. She now attends every day from 8-12, alternating each day with Mandarin lessons (wow at 3 years old). Her new teacher is teacher Pat, a Filipina, and a lovely lovely lady.
So with new Angry Birds bag, full of new pencil cases, pencils, crayons, snacks, water bottle and oh yes a spare of knickers, just in case, we’re off! Ollie the big brother came too and even helped keep some of the kids entertained as we were waiting for class to start.

It’s quite funny as Mary, myself and Ollie have been able to drop her off on her first two days and the room has been FULL of screaming kids, crying because their Mum or Dad is not there, or is about to leave. Amy is like “er Dad, why are they crying?” We had to stay with her for a while on each day, but she is fine when we leave when the teacher is ready to begin lessons.
So as usual proud Dad here, check out that new uniform, cute or what! She is wearing “SKORTS”, can you believe it. Yes there is such an item of clothing. It is a mixture of a skirt at the front and shorts at the back, SKORTS. Ha Ha. Who invented that???
Dad here is my new classroom!