My gorgeous Amy’s 9th birthday
So 28th April came and went which was My gorgeous Amy’s 9th birthday, yes NINTH. I can’t quite believe it myself. She invited all her girl school mates from Opera Estate and we put on a monster pool BBQ. ChillaxBBQ “lite” (no Steve) was there too doing the cooking. My Mary did amazing decorations and party bags. Obachan was there to help with Jude, and socialise for us with the Mums that stayed behind. Ollie was my Sous-Chef, photographer and server. And Amy, well of course, was the centre of attention ha ha. Here it comes. Funny thing though, I asked Ollie to do the photography, and he took loads and loads of the food – whoopsy. Hoping some others may have some photos I can incorporate.
Have to say I am VERY confident we all had a wonderful few days because of this little ladies birthday.
Love you Amy.

Sadly really crappy photos from the night before, her actual birthday. She chose dinner at ETNA, and what a dinner it was. Good choice Amy.

A nice touch from the Chef, thank you so much.

Not really sure that’s how to eat your chocolate lava cake sweetie, but what ever floats your boat he he

I think Jude thinks he has been doing all the work. ChillaxJude.

Finally some birthday girl and party shots ha ha. 13 guests from her school, who were all so so well behaved – PARENTS be proud. And some Mum’s and Dad’s stopped over too, which was just so nice!

So funny I bought these re-lighting candles. They just won’t go out no matter how many times you blow them. Genius, made me giggle, and clearly everyone else.

Too funny – happy birthday my gorgeous gorgeous girl.

Kindly shared with us by Skarolina, one of Amy’s mate’s Mums. Thank you so much