Good grief – Ni and I went to Antigua for our honey moon and the standing joke was ggggggg goats as there was goats literally everywhere. So hey presto we go to Thailand for Xmas and eeeeeeee elephants everywhere! Apparently not Indian or African, they are Thai elephants – but descended from India (note the small ears – and not JT/my ears the elephants!).
So lovely. Our 1st day in Thailand at this wonderful hotel, and we’re sitting at the bar and bugger me out of the corner of my eye I spot an elephant walking through the hotel. Weird I thought, wow this Long Island Ice Tea is strong, or did I indeed just see an elephant. So we go to the beach and wow it’s in the sea having a swim with keeper and people from the hotel – amazing.
Then it continued – we’re having a glass or two of beer round the pool and it comes and snorts all over Mary, who nearly had a third child at that point (ha ha), then decided to give me chinese burns round my neck. Then we go to the next hotel and have elephant rides through the jungle – rubber trees and all that. And interesting fact – the rubber trees are mainly used to produce the condoms needed in Thailand – booming industry apparently – can’t think why (cough cough).
So yes elephants everywhere – lovely to see, touch, interact with – amazing to see these beautiful creatures face to face literally. Just so gentle!!! Didn’t want to post a picture of PC with an elephant – almost a family photo, ha ha sorry PC you know I love you mate!
So enjoy the animal interactions – more blog to come, so many photos to upload of our fun in Thailand!
Love Bri and gang xxx