Ollie knocks it out of the park again @ SOTA
Remember I said I was gutted I could not see Ollie do his performance recently? Well his team got selected to represent the school today at the SOTA Open House. And Ollie knocks it out of the park again @ SOTA, happened again. It was a very moving subject script from Desmond Sim, about a husband losing his wife and then interacting with his child. Now that’s scarily close to home… He did a fantastic job as you’ll see from a couple of clips below. He really is getting so very good at his chosen specialist subject. Bloody good mate, we loved it.

Second scene, having just woken up from bed.

1st scene – very emotional!

Amazing how much emotion he was giving out during an argument about a prata.

This is the Q&A after the performance. Some great questions and answers, but one complete idiot parent.