Ollie knocks it out the park again @ SOTA
20/10, the day before #1 Son’s birthday he has his year end theatre performance. And what a cracker it was. Check out his introduction to the play. I can’t even spell some of those words ha ha. A brilliant performance from all the SOTA guys of course, but Ollie – well what I can say. Commanding, and just so so bloody good. Well done Ollie mate, Obachan and I loved it – very proud. Here comes Ollie knocks it out the park again @ SOTA.
Believe it or not this was an adaption of Little Red Riding Hood.
Watch some clips, impressive – ENJOY!!!

Some scene shots – excuse the crappy photo – flipping iPhone…

1+1 = well a wolf of course

Massively well done guys – take the applause and the accolades cos boy you deserved it tonight!