Ollie’s SOTA Graduation – wow, where did that go?
This is surreal. This is Ollie’s SOTA Graduation – wow, where did that go? I was in the UK and couldn’t join in person sadly. So Ollie did a 1st person Facetime and I did indeed join remotely which was uber cool. Literally I felt like I was collecting the certificate myself and got to experience it as if I were he. The family were there for the meal and the award ceremony for Ollie’s final year, again where did that go? Amazing. Now just exams to do and results to achieve, then National Service, then University and then work. Good luck #1, ha ha! Welcome to the ‘real’ world. Amazing experience it seemed for Ollie, and of course a VERY proud family to see this event. Six years in the making. Again, where did that go? Let’s have a look at the event shall?

Family K all sat down awaiting the presentations and celebrations. Amy taking photos for this one.

Siblings time. #1 wearing his gifted hoodie from their year mentor, nice touch!!!

Now that is a KEEPER and I think canvass very soon. Cracking photo BeBe.

Awwwww – nice one Mum too, albeit a tad blurry. Hmmm, camera lessons methinks…

Here you go. On that headset is me, and also on the camera. So both of us are queuing up listing to the screams and cheers as each classmate walks up to collect.

So well done #1, amazing work to get to this. And yes he is pointing the camera down so I can see the certificate he is collecting ha ha. Classic.

So proud of #1. Well done buddy!!!

Man, I miss school!!! A lot of alpha males would be very jealous of #1 right now.

Nice. Be proud kids, amazing work!!!


Yes, we did get him some celebration gifts. The only one it seems. Well, at least the only one gifted a Chelse shirt and mug.

Stealing a few other parent photos now – literally a view or two through a different lens. Love that guy’s shirt at the middle front!

“So what bone in your hand did you break kids?”


Many many photos. Posers!!!

That’s a lot of kids in the year!

Can someone please dim that spotlight??? PLEASE!!!

Put your hands in the air, and wave them like you just don’t care…
And that was that. Six years fly past. Ollie’s SOTA Graduation – wow, where did that go? It looked like an amazing event. A little buffet dinner experience to watch #1. I was sat in The Crown, Chertsey, UK, working and watching on my phone thanks to #1. An incredible time. Much screaming and shouting from the girls and Ollie and the boys I assume. Well done guys. Well done Ollie, be as proud of yourself as we are of you.
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