Yep, one of those moments happened again! Seriously pinch me, I’m a boy from Margate, what the hell am I doing in the South China Sea, on board a HUGE cruiser, drinking beer and whiskey, bbq on the back deck, jet ski, boat, noodle, donut, luke warm sea, beautiful island views AND fatastic friends for me, Mary and the kids – what more could you ask for on Sunday (OK maybe not the “Perfect Storm” towards the end? Have to save ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
So it started 10am, rock up at Keppel Marina, see the photos. First beer I think around 1005 (OMG), with a tour around the boat, yacht, cruiser (just a beautiful thing) – one double bed bedroom with en suite, a double with bunk above and bow (triangle shaped) bed in front. Living area with lovely l-shaped leather sofa, 2x fridge/freezer full of beer and ice cream, captain area there, then outside walk down rail and you’re at the bow where there was leather sofa exposed to elements.
Check out Captain Kennett and Captain Enoroba, I think we look the part. Only thing missing is the hat perhaps??
Yesterday was out for this though as SO hot and sunny, so it upstairs to 2nd captain area and loads seating under a cover so when moving nice and airy. Crikey look out ladies, who are these strapping, hunky three lads??

We motored out to a little island I think called St George (very apt), anchored up, all jumped in the sea and hey presto the fun started (well more fun), jet skis and boats came out. Check the front and back views of this gorgeous little retreat.

Fun and games just splashing about in and on the water.
We got the kids to row the boat to shore to show us they could do it. Little did they know that was actually an excuse to have the jet ski free for the adults to play. Suckers, he he!

Oh my goodness, it’s those gorgeous hunky chaps again, little rosier cheeks by now – hmm sun or whiskey (who cares!!) Amazing how they have managed to suck their stomachs in for so long!

Me and the skipper, looks like he should still be at schoool!
OK dares started to kick in and Kenneth had a bet re head first in to the water from top deck. Have to admit bollox were in my pocket at the time and I only managed feet first from top deck, head first from main deck. Good job they were there actually, as the foot first dive from quite high would have pushed them up round my neck I’m certain! Kenneth was the only one with bollox big enough to head first it, especially in those speedos ha ha!
Me and Ollie went crazy, donuting, majorly speeding across the bay, spun off both of us twice, crazy fun!
Ollie really mastered piloting the dinghy with the Captain, he looks like a pro!

Amy was just a mer-girl. She would NOT get out of the water, and as soon as she did the first thing she said was; “can we go back in the pool?” bless! She went with Arial (Faith/Kenneth’s older daughter) and I on the jet ski, she LOVED it; “faster, faster” – funny thing Kenneth thought she was crying actually she was giggling and screaming with hysteria and fun!

Delicious food bbq’d on the back deck by our gorgeous host Faith, skewered beef, chicken and pork – absolutely scrummy. Washed down by yet another whiskey ha ha!

Of course some obligatory family snaps – you gotta do it right!
Yes this is me disappearing off in to the distance, next stop Singapore – ha ha!

Ollie takes a turn, mentored by Kenneth. This trip they disappeared for about an hour. But look at the rain just starting to drop, and when I say drop these were HUGE rain drops.

I think this can be summed by “Dad we’ve had enough thanks!”
It was just an AMAZING day as you’ll see from the photos, thanks to our great friends Kenneth and Faith – THANK YOU SO MUCH, we all had a ball.
Final parting thing was WOW what a storm at the end. Felt like George Clooney in The Perfect Storm, it was madness. Winds, waves, lightening, thunder, towing boats, Kenneth (lunatic) on jet ski, just crazy. Check the rain out behind Kenneth, and of course you could not escape this picture Kenneth without someone shouting “SPEEDOS”.
Did it dampen spirits and any of the fun, categorically NOT!