Science Centre one year on!!!!

Do you remember I did a post, well nearly a year ago now when we visited Science Centre. Well here we are again, same format arrive mid morning, McDonalds breakfast, go mad in the centre, then go mad in the water park, go home but on way stop off at Sushi Tei for dinner – Yummy. What I can’t get over is how much the munchins have aged. Check out the old blog wow! In fact I’ll put a photo in here so you can compare – quite amazing actually! Great day out though as I think you’ll see from the faces,. This reminds me of when my Grandad Joe used to take me and my Sis Nikki to the Science Museum in London, very similar with tonnes of stuff to do and interact with – minus the water park though of course, it being London and bloody freezing – ha ha!!!! Enjoy!