Sentosa Sunday
Today this rather sunny Sunday we all decided perhaps it was time to take Jude for a great day out on a Sentosa Sunday. The Luge was looming, his first chance to ever do that. I think everyone was really glad did we did. He is a few pictures now to show off the day for you all. What turned out to be a seriously bloody hot day, and a very packed Sentosa Day. Sadly oil slick warnings on the beach, and in the sea, so no beach fun, but fun we had anyways.

Up the gondola we go – Mum stayed behind. She said to take photos, but I think she was actually scared to go on Luge…

A tad Eddie Eagle in the making perhaps..
He was great. I thought he might be a little scared, but no. He got right in to it. Helmet on. He even told me off for not having mine on as we queued (it was so so hot). We sat in the luge, and he sat on my lap. Hold on tight Baby Jude. And we were off at break neck speed to the bottom. He loved it, absolutely loved it. Well done Baby Jude!!!

Here we are at the bottom of the hill – he doesn’t look phased at all right. I think he had such a good time in fact.

And clearly so did someone else. Now allowed to ride alone, Amy came up a fast #2 in the family race. Ollie sadly didn’t make it in to the photos…

But he did in this one. Lunch at Bikini Bar, down at Silosa Beach. Now a little know fact perhaps – although you may remember this from a previous blog. The last time we stepped foot in this bar was when a certain Amy Kennett took her very first steps – in the rain, with our mate Mario Da’Silva, again one Sunday, but this time a Sunday that was very very rainy. A very yummy lunch, admittedly mostly fried, but fried that was actually very nice – great variety…

Then back in the gondola we jolly well go, up to Imbiah Point at the top of Sentosa. Jude spots a Tiger (funnily enough I had just had a Tiger over lunch, he he)

KungFu Panda – not exactly, more Hi-5 Jude Panda

Off now to the butterfly and insect park to show Jude. First thing you walk into is this little “shed” in which hang literally hundreds of pupa. Pupa that are all wiggling and moving as new butterflies emerge. Absolutely incredible literally watching nature actually happen… You’ll see a huge black and white butterfly resting on the fence after his/her ordeal of escaping its encasement – yep that butterfly came from one of these – and then it sat there, with wings unfurling and drying in the sun – ready to start his/her short, but beautiful life.

More and more and more. I think they take them from their resting place on the leaves and then attach them on these little hooks in the safety of the cage with all their little mates. What comes from these green ones who knows?

Check out absolutely stunning this one is – yes that is indeed sat on hand. I was helping him out in to the sun to dry out and get those wings working.

And in return he gave me a little butterfly kiss, mwah!!!

Here she is escaped – remember the one from the golden pupa. She says hello to someone in a minute…

Here now is the moth variety – clearly not so vibrant in colour

And then these – goodness even knows what comes out of these – looks like something Sigourney Weaver would be used to dealing with though…

See what I mean – Amy Boo plucks up courage to have the new born sit on her. Looks like a very fine bracelet Amy Boo he he

This bloke was just brilliant, laying in the sun. You could pet him, he’d like it actually. See those big jowls where the white dots are – these are his food pouches – and yes this is a he as he has a beard. See below his chin.

Lucky lucky Amy get chance to pet this beautiful Macaw. Can you believe this guy is 52, older than me ha ha. And also did you know that in captivity Macaw can live until 120 or so – AMAZING!!!

Amy and I took this for Ogichan – Yuko-san you would absolutely have loved this place – next time you come Amy and I are bringing you here absolutely. Look at this lot on display wow!!!

Next on the itinerary was something that no one apart from me has ever done – cable car time. There’s a new one on Sentosa now that of goes from Rasa Sentosa Hotel to Beach Point – and to be honest I think we were paying for that new one today as we left Sentosa and went to Mount Faber. 4 of us only to pay for this trip. I was thinking MRT prices. But $105 later. Exactly – HOW MUCH!!!! Won’t be doing that again Singapore, no matter how nice it was.

At least the ‘old man’ gets in one photo today, thanks Ollie

Whilst we’re ‘flying’ over Universal and Adventure Cove I spot my buddies that I dived with me – remember my birthday present? So I thought I would snap them from way way above – beautiful creatures…

Turning right – here is the view of the city and the Port of Singapore stage II, as it migrates its way round to its new consolidate and super-sized home nearer to Tuas. Massive. Huge rolling storm a coming too, and very gloomy city business district in the distance.

Talking of Universal Studios – here’s a great view of it from way up here… Noice!!!

“Are you having fun still Baby Jude???” Say I… “What do you think Dad?” Says Baby Jude with serious face on!!!

Final ones now – quick drink at Mount Faber before dashing home to miss the storm and grab some dinner – school day tomorrow and I am off to Indonesia too, so not a late one. Baby Jude and Amy Boo wanted to feed the Koi, so we plonked down for the final 30 minutes or so and whiled away the time feeding these beautiful fish…

A nice spot to end a beautifully busy day – thanks Sentosa. All I would say is if you are there not to just sit on the beach I would recommend you save up for the day… Good fun though!!! Thanks family!!!