Siglap South Community Centre – Secret Garden ‘w’ Jude Jude
My buddy and I love Saturday mornings together. It’s a ritual, and of course, we have not really ben allowed to do much of this in the past, so we make a big point of it now. We get up early on a Saturday, get the bus and drop Amy off at ballet and then go to the garage. At the petrol station I get a cooking magazine, Jude Jude can have two toys, we get his brekkie and a drink, and then go for a picnic and play at the centre. Once he has had his brekkie we go for a wander in the secret garden and see what’s new. Once or twice in there, we used to see our mate Bill Wallace and daughters too and even had bagpipes one day. We love our Daddy/Son Saturday mornings. And note, there is not a bloody iPhone/iPad in sight… NICE!!!
Siglap South Community Centre – Secret Garden ‘w’ Jude Jude
First up is one of his toys which was a rather cool volcano – let’s have a look at that, shall we?
Now let’s have a look at some photos too of our exploring & picnic…

Just an average picnic with monster trucks, volcanoes, and Old Chang Kee snack-attack… And some livener juice for Daddy to boot!

No idea what this flower is, but it’s like the size of a bucket. AMAZING nature in action yet again. Beautiful thing. Anyone got any clues as to what it is???

Oh no, alien hand attack… Jude Jude looks very worried…

Funnily enough another ‘hand’ plant, well finger at least and one of Mummy’s favourites. Lady Fingers and not in a packet from Cold Storage. Yummo… reminds me of days with my Mum, Nan and Grandad Joe on the allotment…

Everyone wants more passion in their life. Well get yourself down here, there’s a whole bush of them!!!

Next up he spots another of Mum’s favourites. In fact mine too. If we were in the Philippines this would have become Tortang Talong in the blink of an eye – so yummy!!!
As we leave the garden we prepare ourself to cross The Pit of Dead Bugs, but someone had cleared it leaving one dead worm – so we had to cross The Death Pit of Worm today. See you next week Secret Garden. Siglap South Community Centre – Secret Garden ‘w’ Jude Jude – ENJOY!!!
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