The Last Supper Eddo Style
What a week. It has flown by. They have been so so busy, cramming in so much to see and do in Singapore. Crazy style. But sadly today is the last day with us and last night was The Last Supper Eddo Style. I managed to get my very good pal, Edward Esmero, Head Chef of My Little Spanish Place (Boat Quay) to grab us a table. Remember my blogs of that place; blog 1, blog 2, blog 3.
Luckily too was that he was there, so we all got to have a good chat with him too, and a beer – even better.
What a fantastic meal – as always – amazing food. Wonderful company and some lovely pictures. Sadly taken on iPhone only so pretty crappy quality sorry – but you’ll get the picture (excuse the pun). New BFF’s forged. We’re going to miss you guys. Here is The Last Supper Eddo Style.
Safe travels home The Edmonds – much love from The Kennetts.

Now that is a BLOODY nice photo – Boat Quay back-drop, amazing restaurant, amazing Chef Edward and families Kennett and Edmonds. WOW!!!

Jude’s 1st ‘date’? With the gorgeous Taylah. Happy with that…!!!

Yep new BFF’s – never to be parted!!!