Valentine’s Stay-Cation @ Village Hotel Changi
It’s Valentine’s 2020 and Wifey and I make a pact to not buy each other anything, apart from a card because we would treat each other to a stay-cation. We have been down to Changi Village and Changi Beach a few times recently and realised we have never stayed here. For some reason, the ‘pull’ comes from Sentosa. But one ‘lunch with wifey’ and ‘lunch with Obaachan’ in the last month or so was changing that thought process. We have seen a rather emerging cool and hipster side of Changi Village. So today we broke the mould and we hit Changi Village for Valentine’s Stay-Cation @ Village Hotel Changi.
Valentine’s Stay-Cation @ Village Hotel Changi became a weekend of surprises. I would never have seen the Village Hotel or Changi Village as foodie Meccas, but we hit one of the very best Japanese restaurants ever – Kyuubei on the ground floor of the hotel for lunch. A place that I find out afterwards is a small family-run affair. We have a lovely Italian dinner at La Cantina in Venezia, on the 8th floor of the hotel sat on an outside balcony, overlooking the sea and Pulau Ubin – not one oil tanker or cargo ship in sight, just Sea Eagles, Parakeets, blue skies, seas and yachts. We then revisit an old favourite after a lovely lay-in on Sunday for lunch at Little Island Brewing Co. Changi Village is rocking folks and has become a must-visit again, and again.
See all the food blogs individually on This was one special fun, family, foodie weekend.
Wifey was very lucky to get a rewritten Roger Hargreaves’ book for her Valentine’s card. It was sort of a ‘book card’, called Little Miss Mary Late. I have no idea where I got the idea for the book content adaptation. Weird that. I did try to ask Wifey but she was still getting her make-up on, packing and changing her outfit for the 3rd time and delaying us leaving.
Let’s have a more detailed look into Valentine’s Stay-Cation @ Village Hotel Changi, shall we?

We arrived for a late lunch after I had to do some nasty vet stuff in the morning. Jude Jude steals all the hand towels and tries to make a Japanese Garden from the chopstick rests and hand towel holders. Also, he decides to give himself a rather nice facial with one of the towels, or he is just incognito.

With some coaxing, we get family photo #1 of the Stay-Cation. No Ollie as he decided to do stuff with his friend instead. No me cos I am taking the picture. This is sat in the lobby at the Japanese restaurant I mentioned above. We were here for like 4 hours grazing haha. Read the blog. Visit. Eat. Amaze-balls place. Back to what I was saying – this little hotel in Changi has some of the best Japanese food we have ever eaten in our lives. Amazing little find!!!

Scuba Steve Jude Jude and sexy Wifey looking good on the 8th floor of the Village Hotel Changi. Plus BeBe’s back. Seriously check out that view – yes it is the Singapore coastline. Spot an oil tanker…? Not one tight. Here is our new preferential stay-cation location. It is BRILLIANT!!!

Cool kids on the block? Well, one very old “kid” and Jude Jude. The only two that brought swimmers to the stay-cation. Duh! Strawberry Blonde, had a massive Blonde moment and forgot to pack her swimmers. Dear me. So it became a Daddy-Son special pool day. But, just check out the view. Again I challenge the rest of Singapore for a pool view so tropical… Few moans – no bar, or bar service and bugger all chairs or loungers. Apart from that, heavenly!

Daddy so cool on the V’s, LOL, BFF, #funnydaddy

As I mentioned, Strawberry Blonde made the BIG mistake today of forgetting her swimmers, but then getting bored and wanting to be ‘part’ of it all, so getting closer and closer to Jude Jude and me. What do you reckon happened next here? Amy is taking the photo! Hmmm, I wonder.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five… the first manned life-jacket reaches the upper Troposphere.

Strawberry Blonde is clearly bored and finds out that the iPhone has camera filters. But, again, a bloody great photo. Beautiful Pulau Ubin.

The iPhone has this function too. Cool!

Then like a Praying Mantis, Jude Jude starts to jump.

Strawberry Blonde finds sports function on the iPhone now and creates a wonderful sequence of snaps of Jude Jude, AKA Praying Mantis fiving at his Dad.

Like a Praying Mantis doing the long jump…

Jude Jude in black and white…

Nearly there…

Very nearly there…

“Houston, Praying Mantis Base here. The Eagle has landed.”

The beautiful ladies soaking up the sun and just chilling. Strawberry Blonde is still on photo duty. Jude Jude and I are still in the pool, but notice the trees behind the ladies. Yes, we are now at pool #2 on the ground floor next to the golf course. This place gets better and better.

Awwwww having fun with my best bud. A WONDERFUL day with Jude Jude in the pool.

Lazy days in the pool with my BFF just giggling. I think he just farted. Well, he kept farting. It was like swimming in boiling water with all the bubbles he was making. Yes, he found it funny.

Now there is one very cool thing about this pool which you will see in a short while. But one thing to note first. How busy is this place? Seriously so annoying with all these people in our pool. Did I say our pool? Well, it felt like it. HaHa!

And here is the cool thing about the pool. No not Jude Jude’s amazing face, but the fact of it having glass sides. How bloody cool is that? Very unique I reckon. Not seen that before in Singapore, apart from the aquarium.

I like it here and so does my BFF.

Love it. I did forget to take my sunglasses off though. Hey Ho, it was bright down here.

Cool pic right? Every time we ducked for Amy to take the picture we pushed (well I did) a load of water out of the pool over the side and down the glass. A rather groovy effect is it not?

Wow, I thought I would float much better haha. I think Jude Jude thinks it’s funny for some reason. Cheeky little bugger!!!

Our view for dinner tonight. Holy cow how amazing is that? It’s stunning. We sit at this Italian restaurant on the 8th floor on their outdoor balcony. Sea eagles, blue skies and seas, a warm sea breeze wafting us, sailing yachts scooting past, fish farms floating, Pulau Ubin. and some delicious grazing on the wonderful dinner. This was just a heavenly dinner. Just a stunning dinner all in. #lovedithere

Yes, I promise I was there. This was like photo attempt #12 from Strawberry Blonde, and she still managed to not get Pulau Ubin in the picture. Happy Valentine’s to my beautiful Wifey. Love you babes. What a cracking weekend stay-cation.

My gang is ready to order. OK, OK – I did write a review for the restaurant saying they need a spruce up, maybe matching chairs, maybe some tablecloths and a new menu as this one has more wrinkles than me. But the food was good. Again check out for a review. Bloody nice.

The sun starts setting and a birthday BBQ kicks off at Changi Sailing Club below us so we get some distant music wafting up. I was sitting here watching Sea Eagles soaring in the thermals on high and then swooping down to try and catch other unsuspecting birds flying by. I’ll say it again, I loved this dinner. Unique in Singapore – if it is not, please tell me where else!!!

They do say that every cloud… I hope the McCormicks don’t mind me mentioning it, but the day started SHIT. We had to say goodbye to our new family member of 5 months – Milo. We had to kiss the wee one a fond goodbye in the morning. Amy, Jude and I were the brave ones that made that journey and we all chatted about looking for Milo clouds in doggie heaven. RIP Milo, the most amazing little pooch that everyone loved – these are your silver linings fella!!!
CLICK HERE to watch a little VLOG of our walk from the hotel to lunch today at Little Island Brewing Co. Get to see some Changi Village.

We then have the chance to meander to another venue – well we did pay a little more for the 1600 check-out. So . we escaped from the hotel to an old favourite of something like 4 years ago which is Little Island Brewing Co. It’s 5 minutes walking distance from the hotel – again I am seriously liking the hotel location to the action of the wee Changi Village. It’s such a HAPPENING place!!!

A fantastic Sunday lunch at Little Island Brewing Co. Briskets, lamb ribs, chicken in spicy sauce, brisket nachos and the like. Damned fine food. A wedding was happening too. Strange place for a wedding to be honest. To each their own I suppose.

To close I was very impressed with this. I assume some serious updates to their water filtration systems to allow the tap water to be consumed. Providing a glass bottle to allow you to fill up and pop in the fridge. #zeroplasticbottles = AWESOME!!! Well done the Village Hotel @ Changi Village.