Weekend #1 with Philippines Family
Early Friday evening JimBoy, Jhea and Bebe land from Cebu for a couple of weeks, and then Saturday morning VERY early Ollie leaves to go to Cambodia for 10 days. All rather strange actually, but this is the summary of a lovely Weekend #1 with Philippines Family.
We had a fairly lazy Saturday. I was knackered having got up at 0430 to take Ollie to airport, and then 0900 Amy to ballet. Couple of cans of RedBull for breakfast and I was sorted though ha ha. Hawker for lunch and the off to watch #Freya Rutherford and her Year 5’s and 6’s mates at #SOTA perform Midsummer Nights dream by Shakespeare. Sadly no photos were allowed, so I will use the text I posted on their FaceBook to give you an update on the performance.
I have just watched one of the very best theatrical performances I have ever seen. The year 5 and 6’s from #SOTA just knocked out of the park their delivery of Shakespeare’s, Midsummer Nights Dream. We attended the 1500 on 20th.
The actors and actresses should be so very proud, as should the Directors and absolutely SOTA themselves. It was simply incredible.
To have an audience of a couple of hundred, in full attention and in stitches because of the perfectly delivered humour is an amazing feat. You guys made it look easy.
I will also call out the fact that my family was a 3 year old, 9 year old, 4 Filipinas listening in 2nd language, and a 48 year old bloke. You had every single one of us transfixed and in tears laughing.
We will definitely see you in July for more. Best $100 I have spent for many a time. Thank you all so much for such a wonderful afternoon.
What an absolutely fantastic start that was to Weekend #1 with Philippines Family. I was watching the kids giggling and laughing so much together. Job done Uncle Steve, thanks for grabbing the tickets mate.
After that it was off for dinner to Mookata @ Katong for some Thai BBQ, family SIZE. Oh yes. Great dinner, LOADS of food. A little too much actually on the meat frontage so as always off we go with a packed plastic container in hand.

Now that is a nice family shot of us at dinner @ Mookata, just minus Ollie to complement our version of The Brady Bunch.

Had to show this off – deep fried pork rind with an icy cold Singha beer. Oh yeah baby – heaven, I’m in heaven…..

Yep I did over order – but I have to say we seriously did some damage to this, and only came home with a very small pack of leftovers. Good work team Kennett!!!
So what do I normally do when we have leftovers from dinner? Yep let’s improvise a breakfast. So I used all the meat leftovers, and one tin of corned beef that was shipped from Philippines to make my version of my Filipino favourite – Sisig.

Left over meats, with some onion, garlic, seasoning, butter, shallots, corned beef, 2x eggs, a little soy and some deep fried shallots, and half an Oxo cube. That’ll do it. Double YUMMY!!!
So that is Sunday breakfast out of the way for Weekend #1 with Philippines Family. So what to do today? Decisions, decisions, decisions! Somewhere the kids have not been before. Hmmmm – I know Adventure Cove! So we did! OK rain stopped play a little early, as did the ridiculous amounts of queueing today. I have to say Adventure Group & RWG you need sort your stuff out and have more cover for the queue areas, and some bloody fans. You made it quite obscene today, especially with unannounced family days to the public virtually doubling everything re time-waiting. Moan over, the kids still have fun.

Here’s the gang minus me (clearly I am taking the snap). But they have now all seen the coral reef snorkel experience – yep this is firmly on the agenda.

As it clearly is for some others already in the pool itself.
Back to the queuing we only achieved today, a ride on the river through the cave thing, 30 minutes at wave machine, hour++ queue for the water jet ride thing, hour++ queue for lunch, hour++ queue for the coral reef gig. So we achieved nothing like we usually do re number of rides etc. I am sunburnt. I only saw Mary and Jude fractionally today, as we were always in queues.
Hmmmm – RWG – sort it out.
Again though I will caveat the little we did do was incredibly good fun with the gang!!!

I was SO impressed with the kids – none of them had ever done snorkelling before. I gave them a little pool-side briefing, adjusted goggles and snorkel. Showed them the spitting de-misting technique. Got them ready and prepared. Told them I am there always if they need me for support or help.
And then I promptly slipped on some weed on a rock and fell in like a buffoon.
BUT still each of them swam with the fish like a pro. I was so impressed. Loads of other kids their age, were jumping out bottling it, but my three swam like pros. Seriously Amy, Jimboy, Jhea that was so so impressive.

Amy and I and a token close-up fish – come on you can see all the others? Sadly Jude was gutted, as he was too small to come on this adventure with us.

Amy, myself and Jhea up to the glass viewing platform now, thanks to BeBe for the photos! Great job! She also does engagements and weddings

Amy, Jhea and Jimboy now front and centre – not sure what swimming stroke that Amy is doing, perhaps it’s called cramp?

The three of them again – I think you can see they are having fun. Jhea has even now learnt how to use chop-sticks since being with us, so I think here she is practicing chopstick snorkelling… A little known move, only between experts!

David Attenborough voiceover; “And the largest mammal on the planet, in his fetching floral shorts, finally gets stage fright from the cameras, and with a single kick of his tattoo’d legs disappears in to the depths…”

Accompanied by his pod, these peaceful giants have been nothing but entertaining today. Lets hope they have fun together next weekend too.
We left before the rain and lightening completely destroy the experience. We arrived safe and sound to Siglap, and had a monster slap up meal at the hawker. Funny thing was that all my money was wet from having it in my swim shorts. The Uncle said no very good luck is wet money. He opened my Tiger and hey presto $3 win token in the lid. Hey you never know huh?
So what a lovely weekend Weekend #1 with Philippines Family was, just minus Ollie. Thanks to the family, it was a cracker.