Read on folks!
Sometimes you have those days that stand out – sometimes good and sometimes bad.
Ying and Yang, I get that, the balance.
This was YING without any YANG – just ALL good!!!
This was one of those – sometimes, just sometimes you get one that excels, those that shine, those that rise above and make you go holy f*ck did I really just have that Sunday!
Did I?
I think I did.
I am still sweating a little from it now, just a little. Oooh goose bumps!
Now before I begin a lot of this will end up residing in food blog too – BUT as it was such a family affair it all has to come here too.
Doubling up – nah, come on who cares, just read the bloody thing twice. It’s that good!
So family Kennett in Singapore at the moment consists of;
Brian Kennett – elder Statesman, father figure, slight alcoholic and major food junkie and all that,
Marysol Enoroba – Filipino Ambassador, mother/partner and bump protector,
Oliver Kennett – Cat in Hat, No.1 Son, all round amazing mate and fellow food junkie,
Amy Kennett – Princess, No1 Daughter, adapting to chilli foodie (at 5), can’t stop talking/singing/dancing shining light,
Mizuyo/Obachan – Visiting, supporting, having fun, fellow foodie, and all round great
Itinerary for Sunday 2nd June (unplanned) goes like this;
- Wake
- Food shopping
- Badminton
- Swimming
- Cooking
- Drop Ollie to rehearsals (Seussical)
- Me and the girls to World Street Food Congress
- Meet Anthony Bourdain – F*CK YES – more to come
- Collect Ollie
- Me and Ollie back to World Street Food Congress

(PS – yes that is my flipping 6 pack you cheeky buggers!!!)
Sad, slightly dejected, feeling ripped off, and now in need of cold refreshing beverage we depart to the beer tent. Sorry girls I need a beer. We order, we stand, we have a quick scout of the horizon, we don’t really talk…
F*CK me says I – that’s Anthony Bourdain!
He’s stood about 15 yards from us – he truly is. F*CK me it’s Anthony Bourdain!!!
Mary then goes in to some sort of epileptic fit, say ‘It’s Anthony Bourdain’ about 4 times in a row, each time getting higher in pitch. Scary!
Come on you know me so well by now.
I truly am not proud when it comes to this sort of thing.
So I grab Amy, walk over, hover and put on Puss in Boots Eyes…
Did it work…?
Did it F*CKING yes – me and Tone are now best family mates – planning holiday next year in Vietnam with the mutual families, he’s my Facetime buddy, he’s on my email, my Skype, my Xmas card list, he knows when my kids birthdays are and all that type of true mateship stuff..,
OK that is complete bollox – I was a jibbering wreck. I stood there looking lost, with a rather grumpy 5 year old glued to me, and watched his conversation. As he finished and left I called, nay whispered – “Tony, Tony…”. He turned. Any chance of a photo mate?
It happened friends. My hero! He stopped and the huge man that he is came back for a photo. I nearly fainted. Mary stood there poised to snap, and bugger me his agent from CNN said hey I’ll snap you get in the photo too – hey presto here we are, a VERY proud moment – ME, MARY, a faceless AMY with THE MAN Mr Bourdain – my GOD this man is tall!
Life changing no.
A life long memory – OH YES!!!
Indirectly Mr Bourdain – I thank you for turning around to my muffled, weak, insignificant “Tony” call!
OK remember back to cooking.
Yes I had cooked lunch – we were full, sated, done! But were we…?
I found this place. This wonderful place. Three generations at the counter place. Was it South East Asian, nope, sorry event back to my earlier point.
I spotted this queue – looks interesting – oh my it’s Mexican. Have you ever had REAL Mexican. I have not, I no Mary and Miz have not either.
OK I’ll queue.
Back come this – some small nibble. Not too big, easily something the three of us could share. A sample. A mere soup cent. A taster.
Mission accomplished I think – the tongue says it all – and Mary is (let’s not forget) reacting for two here – so double votes!!!
Miz also digging in and enjoying. Smily face, smily face! I cannot over emphasis how tasty this was!
Here’s me with Daughter, Mum and Gran – I think I got to know them quite well by then end of the day as in the end I had a total of I think 6 visits to their stall – again apologies to South East Asian food for this event – I really could not not try something I may never experience in my lifetime.
The back for No.2 – Seafood Campechana.
Ceviche again – but this time served as a seafood cocktail. Not like back in UK, one or two prawns in some sauce with some wilted lettuce. No this mother is like a bloody Mary cocktail, packed with raw fish, octopus, lime juice, onion, parsley, CHILI (OMG chili), avocado etc.
This one I ended up sharing 4 cups of through the night – I really could not get enough of this. Every time of course asking for the Level 3 heat – so much so that the lovely ladies started to make us a “special” – basically enough chilli to melt the flipping cup the cocktail was in!
I think this may be Mary before the 1st bite.
Lips would be above her nose after the second – wow man chilli!
But come on look at it – it is beautiful, and so so so tasty – and yes I cannot believe I am saying that about something that is actually so seafood biased. Wow, I amazed myself this day today. One of THE best things I have EVER eaten – period!
Here is the great man in action!
Tough in Singapore friend where no bugger will ask a question or give any interaction.
Well that is apart from when there is free food placed on a table – then the crowd moves!
Yours truly had 1st dibs cos I asked a question – or 10.
Bloody nice!
Amy gets in there second after Miz managed to scoop up two helpings!
Look at that – sluuuuuuurrrrrpppppp! GONE!
Had a chat.
Great guy.
Exchanged a card.
Will go there for sure if we get to NYC perhaps to visit Haruko!
I am not a dessert guys BUT…
Hell yeah a happy happy happy.
Tell you what Ollie, let’s have two lots from Nam Bo!